It's hard to remember them all with no order to help - but this is enjoyable. I did it with 1:30 minutes remaining, so perhaps you could set it at 12 minutes? Or 10 minutes if you want to make it tougher.
It did not accept alot of answers that are accepted on the normal countries of the world quiz like saint kitts instead of st kitts, kazakistan instead of kazakhstan, kyrgistan instead of kyrgyzstan, etc. and this kind of messed up my though process as I had to focus on spelling and forgot the list of countries i was going to type next, so could you fix that
As mentioned before, I am not aware of the Type-Ins of the standard quiz on Countries of the World. But I think, it accepts too many different typings anyway, which fosters the learning of incorrect spellings.
My point is here that people who challenge an "expert quiz" should not only know the countries but also the correct english spelling. For my part, I am also not a native speaker (as you may have noticed) and just learned it by repeating the quizzes.
Anyway, thank you for your suggestions. I added most of them to the list, except for "Kazakistan", which I've never heard of and which according to Google is turkish language.
Great quiz concept! It was a fun challenge without a map or having them listed in alphabetical order! Will have to second the type-in comments above though... in particular I typed Lichtenstein a handful of different ways (including the way I think it is correctly spelled!) and saw your revealed answer has an extra 'e' inserted in it. Mistake or lack of knowledge on my part?
Tried to make myself a challenge and name countries in no order, every guess i made should not border or be in the same region to the prior country. At the end, i was missing Barbados and Saudi Arabia.
I got all except for two... Spain and Switzerland! Not joking. This American can remember Maldives, Tuvalu, Burundi, etc and yet I can't remember two obvious European countries! :-)
It's rather arbitrary to not accept various abbreviations like DR and NZ but to accept UK... also I would seriously include Cabo Verde and Timor L'este as type-ins, especially considering Cote d'Ivoire.
Fight against the stupidity of translating half of the name into English but not the other half. Resist d'Ivoire Coast (Cote Ivory?). Thank you for coming to my TED talk about stupid name changes being stupid.
I only forgot three : Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. My mental map of the world failed me because I kept thinking I was missing some Pacific / Caribbean island nations, not the Caucasus :(
But needs more type-ins. I saw in your other comments that you said that you wanted people to spell them correctly, but I mean the type ins like DR, FSM, ROK, DPRK, NZ etc;
Add the acronyms you can use in the normal countries of the world quiz-drc for democratic republic of the Congo, nz for New Zealand, dprk for North Korea, dr for Dominican Republic.
As mentioned before, I am not aware of the Type-Ins of the standard quiz on Countries of the World. But I think, it accepts too many different typings anyway, which fosters the learning of incorrect spellings.
My point is here that people who challenge an "expert quiz" should not only know the countries but also the correct english spelling. For my part, I am also not a native speaker (as you may have noticed) and just learned it by repeating the quizzes.
Anyway, thank you for your suggestions. I added most of them to the list, except for "Kazakistan", which I've never heard of and which according to Google is turkish language.
I hope you can enjoy it though :)
I keep forgetting 1, usually Moldova or East Timor.
Actually, it is spelled Liechtenstein. But I added Lichtenstein now anyway.
As mentioned above, I don't think that too many different accepted type-ins are helpful to learn the countries in a proper way.
Same for Saint-Kitts instead of the long form?
This is common practice on most quizzes on here.
Great quiz though!
Can you accept Vatican for Vatican City and eSwatini for Swaziland?
Fight against the stupidity of translating half of the name into English but not the other half. Resist d'Ivoire Coast (Cote Ivory?). Thank you for coming to my TED talk about stupid name changes being stupid.
But needs more type-ins. I saw in your other comments that you said that you wanted people to spell them correctly, but I mean the type ins like DR, FSM, ROK, DPRK, NZ etc;
Still very nice !