Original design and excellent idea! A very good way to make a great quiz with "classic" answers, in my opinion. Congratulations for your first self-made SVG quiz and nominated!
Very cool idea! I love the fact that you start with Athens and end up with Zeus, so both answers are close to each other not only physically but also thematically. :)
My mom has never been one to embrace new technology. When the original Legend of Zelda came out, though, she became thoroughly engrossed, even using the old Nintendo Power Magazine game guide until she finally beat the game. Since then, no game as come as remotely close as Zelda in capturing her attention.
It’s a shame there’s no way (I can find) to skip questions on mobile. I got completely stuck on the L question (I’ve never played video games; not my thing at all), so just had to resort to Googling the answer to continue, or I could only have scored 10/26 (at least on the first go; I would’ve remembered for the next try).
I tried on mobile, for me it works by clicking the answer boxes below. Not as convenient as on desktop, but you can skip this way. I'm not sure if there's something I could do to improve it on mobile.
Fun quiz. Could you add King John as a valid answer for the Shakespeare question. I tried that first as he was a real king - or maybe add in the word legendary or mythological or something if the answer you want is Lear?
Thanks, I am not an expert on this topic, but Wikipedia lists King John as a history play while it calls King Lear a tragedy. I don't know if they rule each other out in this case, if so the "tragedy" part is what makes it distinct
In this context, you are absolutely right. The difference between a history and a tragedy is important and King Lear is definitely more appropriate to the wording of the quiz.
Back in my young actor days, I worked on King Lear, playing the juicy villain role of Edmund. Sadly, the production was canceled due to a scheduling conflict with the producers and director and I've long since aged out of the role.
Great quiz! Any chance you can be a bit more lenient on the type-ins for the E question? I spelled the name wrong like four different ways and couldn't get it.
Please go back to the way it was.
The other GK quizzes by Quizmaster did not change if that's what you're asking
Back in my young actor days, I worked on King Lear, playing the juicy villain role of Edmund. Sadly, the production was canceled due to a scheduling conflict with the producers and director and I've long since aged out of the role.
Fantastic quiz style & concept, btw!
There's actually plenty of spellings accepted, including some you mentioned, just none with O