Name a Eurasian country...
Valid countries
that borders Russia
Azerbaijan | Belarus | China | Estonia | Finland | Georgia | Kazakhstan | Latvia | Lithuania | Mongolia | North Korea | Norway | Poland | Ukraine
not recognized by United Nations
Kosovo | Taiwan | Vatican City
that borders Africa
Israel | Spain
that touches Black Sea
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russia | Turkey | Ukraine
with 5-letter name
China | India | Italy | Japan | Malta | Nepal | Qatar | Spain | Syria | Yemen
with more than 10 time zone
France | Russia
with a three word capital
Andorra | Brunei | Sri Lanka
is island country and in mediterranean sea
Cyprus | Malta
that's an island country
Bahrain | Brunei | Cyprus | East Timor | Iceland | Indonesia | Ireland | Japan | Philippines | Malta | Maldives | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Taiwan | United Kingdom
with life expectancy above 85 years
Japan | Monaco | Singapore
with GDP per capita over $80,000
Brunei | Ireland | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Monaco | Qatar | Singapore
with "W" in their spelling
Kuwait | Norway | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan
with more than 100 billionaires
China | Germany | India | Russia
with land area <500 km2
Andorra | Liechtenstein | Maldives | Malta | Monaco | San Marino | Vatican City
in Caucasus region
Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Russia | Turkey
guessed more than 94% times in Countries of the World quiz
China | Russia
with average annual temperature <5° C
Finland | Iceland | Kyrgyzstan | Mongolia | Norway | Russia | Sweden | Tajikistan
part of "Triple Entente" in WWI
France | Russia | United Kingdom