I like the concept, but I have found several issues. You misspelled 'pizzelle' and 'mascarpone'. Guanciale should be accepted as a type-in for pancetta. Caprese Salad misses olive oil, pesto misses garlic and risotto misses onion and parmesan.
Misspellings fixes, and type-in added. You're definitely right on garlic in pesto, but I'd argue that olive oil on caprese is inessential (and it's in other things on this quiz anyway). For risotto, this is just the absolutely most basic risotto. Onion, parmesan, or any other savoury ingredients are purely discretionary.
For a Carbonara:
Egg it's ok (even if most people use only the yolk)
Linguine - absolutely no, use spaghetti or rigatoni
Pancetta - no, guanciale (pork cheek)
Parmesan - nooo, pecorino (romano cheese)