Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Country south of Kenya | Tanzania | 98%
Northernmost country | Tunisia | 98%
Country between Ghana and Benin | Togo | 97%
Capital of Libya | Tripoli | 93%
Ancient capital in northern Mali | Timbuktu | 81%
Kenya is world's 3rd-largest producer of these popular leaves | Tea | 76%
Ethnic group who were the primary victims of the Rwandan genocide | Tutsis | 74%
Flat-topped mountain of Cape Town | {Table} Mountain | 70%
Largest of the Canary Islands | Tenerife | 64%
Deepest lake | Tanganyika | 63%
Seychelles is home to the world's largest population of these reptiles | Giant {Tortoise} | 59%
Major Bantu language in Zambia or an Oceanian country | Tonga | 58%
Northernmost city in Morocco | Tangier | 56%
African biting fly that spreads sleeping sickness | Tsetse Fly | 56%
Malawi's top export | Tobacco | 43%
Cairo square site of massive protests during the Arab Spring | {Tahrir} Square | 35%
Former areas in city outskirts in South Africa for non-whites | Township | 32%
Two of the official languages of South Africa | Tsonga / Tswana | 20%
Most spoken language in Eritrea | Tigrinya | 19%
World's largest permanent desert lake | Turkana | 11%
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