Question | Answer | % Correct |
What is the busiest airport in the London area? | Heathrow | 96%
What palace in London is the official residence of the King? | Buckingham Palace | 87%
On what street would you find the official residence of the British Prime Minister? | Downing Street | 84%
What is the name of the tunnel that connects England to France? | Channel Tunnel | 82%
What island chain off the northwest coast consists of "Inner" and "Outer" parts? | Hebrides | 82%
What World Heritage Site is built by Fionn mac Cumhaill (according to legend)? | {Giant}'{s} Causeway | 78%
What is the national animal of Scotland? | Unicorn | 75%
What is the largest island of England by area? | Isle of Wight | 68%
What county is located right north of the above, and got a "new" version in New England? | Hampshire | 63%
What national park is located 40 km north of the Welsh capital? | Brecon {Beacon}s | 57%
What is known as the "Granite City"? | Aberdeen | 52%
What British island in the Atlantic Ocean is known to be the death place of Napoleon? | St. Helena | 52%
What P range of hills covers the central-northern parts of England? | Pennines | 50%
What is the largest island of the "Inner" part of the above, home to Clan MacLeod? | Skye | 48%
What formerly uninhabited island, starting with the letter P, was settled by HMS Bounty mutineers? | Pitcairn Island | 47%
What is the smallest crown dependency of the United Kingdom? | Guernsey | 40%
What is the capital of the Falkland Islands? | Stanley | 33%
To what country are the Turks and Caicos Islands closest? | Bahamas | 32%
What is the largest British Overseas Territory by area? | British {Antarctic} Territory | 29%
What is the largest lake in the United Kingdom? | Lough Neagh | 19%
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