Rank | Category | Countries | % Correct |
3 | Largest country starting with H | Honduras | Hungary | 91%
4 | First country Christopher Columbus landed on at his First Voyage | Spain | Bahamas | Cuba | 83%
2 | First to become independent in the Americas | United States | 81%
9 | Most French-speaking country [3]
* outside of Europe | Mauritius | Gabon | Algeria | Rep. of the Congo | Seychelles | Tunisia | D.R. Congo | Djibouti | 76%
2 | Most earthquake deaths in the 21st century [2] | Indonesia | 66%
5 | Poor country with the highest difference in its GDP per-capita from their bordering neighbor [4] | North Korea | Yemen | Syria | Afghanistan | 59%
2 | Lowest GDP per-capita in the Americas [1] | Venezuela | 58%
3 | Was occupied by the U.S. militarily the earliest
* excluding events prior to the Hague Convention of 1907 | Nicaragua | Mexico | 45%
2 (t) | Controls the largest island starting with H | Japan | 43%
2 | Oldest republic with a black-majority population | Liberia | 43%
5 (t) | Shortest land borders
* among countries larger than 10,000 km2 | Qatar | Denmark | East Timor | South Korea | 35%
3 | Most populous ending with I | Mali | Burundi | 19%
2 | Most densely populated in the Americas [5] | Barbados | 18%
2 | Has the most populous city starting with "Port" | Brazil | 15%
4 | Most dangerous country for U.S. travellers [6] | Pakistan | Thailand | Philippines | 10%
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