Suggested Quizzes

Country Shape Quiz #10-4.88810,400
Country Shape Quiz #20-4.93368,325
Country Shape Quiz #30-4.89260,890
Country Shape Quiz #40-4.91192,050
Art Works Picture Quiz #10-4.4594,880
Art Works Picture Quiz #20-4.4284,593
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.97306,474
Communist Countries in History0-4.42424,861
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.94273,350
Monarchies of the World0-4.92149,886
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,525
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.98217,755
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99221,272
First Names of Painters0-4.3455,351
Recently Independent Countries Quiz0-4.98140,729
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,868,645
Countries that Start with B0-4.932,007,876
Countries that Start with C0-4.931,585,814
Countries that Start with D0-4.95559,924
Countries that Start with E0-4.921,183,409
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,300,482
Countries that Start with H0-4.91477,404
Countries that Start with I0-4.911,118,126
Countries that Start with J0-4.97481,433
Countries that Start with K0-4.94678,572
Countries that Start with L0-4.97933,221
Countries that Start with N0-4.89959,037
Countries that Start with P0-4.881,059,853
Countries that Start with R0-4.39368,086
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,548,824
Countries that Start with T0-4.82875,674
Countries that Start with U0-4.97790,087
Countries that Start with V0-4.97513,344
Countries that Start with F0-4.68512,552
Countries that Start with M0-4.941,209,156
Countries in World War II0-4.47774,268
Countries in World War I0-4.91203,420
Countries with the Most Exports0-4.97119,566
Vietnam War Countries0-4.7684,383
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93219,487
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.88212,782
Countries Bordering China Since 19140-4.9085,700
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98282,491
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7679,594
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,258
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,370
Independence from Whom0-4.99178,128
Political Movements by Country0-4.4366,849
Largest Economies in 20500-4.9096,547
National Founders0-4.3577,746
Orthodox Countries0-4.92113,576
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.96232,883
Who Controlled These Colonies?0-4.84108,805
Countries by Oil Consumption0-4.96109,437
Countries with the Most Tanks0-4.8973,339
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.89158,563
Warsaw Pact Countries0-4.8878,816
Buddhist Countries0-4.97127,701
Countries with the Most Skyscrapers0-4.92116,667
Southernmost Countries A-Z0-4.95138,347
Countries With Blue and White Flags0-4.8980,378
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.91119,992
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99167,049
Countries with the Most Borders A-Z0-4.98107,417
Countries with the Most Major Earthquakes0-4.94101,243
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99159,573
Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk0-4.97148,391
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99200,705
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.96171,617
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9785,250
Countries Settled by Vikings0-4.93108,708
Countries with the Most Muslims0-4.90127,993
Flags that are Red & White Only0-4.95127,799
Country Shape Quiz #50-4.89134,700
Art Works Picture Quiz #30-4.4140,165
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91138,853
Top Five Countries by Religion0-4.89135,741
Richest Countries A-Z0-4.8584,200
Least Christian Countries with Exceptions0-4.9169,195
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,899
Countries with the Most Catholics0-4.9389,334
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9784,738
Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.95148,613
Five Least Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.9576,373
Countries by Hottest Recorded Temperature0-4.9278,949
Countries with the Most Nobel Prizes0-4.8581,174
Countries with the Tallest Buildings0-4.9571,702
Countries Bordering "U" Countries0-4.7918,389
World Map without 12 Countries0-4.96295,198
World Map without 12 Countries #20-4.98146,762
World Map without 12 Countries #30-4.98117,389
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93125,937
Country Picture Puzzle Game #10-4.7977,419
Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.94109,430
Country Picture Puzzle Game #20-4.4849,967
Country Picture Puzzle Game #30-4.4238,166
Every Country Shape0-5.00363,274
Merged Countries #20-4.9686,736
Merged Countries #40-4.8281,087
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.98156,646
Country Shapes in the World Map #10-4.99106,426
Country Shapes in the World Map #20-4.9996,577
Country Shapes in the World Map #30-4.9987,776
Country Shapes in the World Map #40-4.9994,708
Every European Country Shape0-4.94166,328
Every Asian Country Shape0-4.9572,684
Countries with the Most Christians0-4.93101,928
Europe Flags Map Quiz0-4.97120,448
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.96100,978
Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent0-4.9994,435
Countries of the World in 1938 Quiz0-4.9673,867
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Africa0-4.99106,621
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Asia0-4.8797,839
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96172,095
Top 10 Biggest Economies in the Americas0-4.9478,454
One Country By Letter By Continent0-5.0063,938
Coldest Countries0-4.98120,919
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,321
Country Shapes in the World Map #50-4.9773,756
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,940
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,738
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.96114,363
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,523
Country Shapes in the World Map #60-4.9870,118
Countries With Highest GDP as a Percent of Continent0-4.9570,060
Merged Countries #70-4.9371,632
Fill the World Map by Country Flags0-4.9969,821
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99207,134
Countries with the Most Elite Universities0-4.9394,622
Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II0-4.3546,071
Biggest Roman Empire Countries0-4.8379,914
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8272,104
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97172,314
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87130,049
Top 10 Richest Countries in Asia0-4.8570,304
Countries by Partial Flag Images #10-4.98108,518
Countries by Partial Flag Images #20-4.9678,667
Countries by Partial Flag Images #30-4.9984,733
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.95103,237
Flags with the Most Stars0-4.88101,493
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.91114,382
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries in 1 AD0-4.9774,297
First Countries to Reach 5 Million People0-4.90106,704
Most Visited Countries by JetPunkers0-4.8273,785
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95134,393
Flags of Countries that Border China0-4.9178,505
Flags of Countries That Border France0-4.8596,994
Flags of Countries that Border Germany0-4.8483,525
Country Flags that are Red, White, and Blue Only0-4.91112,255
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5160,168
Flags of Countries With More Than 100 Million People0-4.97141,395
Countries with Four Letters - Shape Quiz0-4.9775,535
Countries that Start with C - Shape Quiz0-4.7972,781
Countries where the Sea Freezes0-4.8979,086
Countries that Start with I - Shape Quiz0-4.8498,500
Countries by Bordering Flags #10-4.9391,352
Countries that Start with N - Shape Quiz0-4.9371,508
Asian Countries with the Most Christians0-4.8881,351
Country Flag-Shape Picture Quiz #10-4.9370,595
Countries that Start with P - Shape Quiz0-4.8071,428
Richest Countries Bordering Each Other0-4.98117,396
Countries in a Ring of the World Map0-4.99138,407
Countries in an Empty Ring of the World Map0-4.94109,701
Countries in a Blue JetPunk Fish of the World Map0-4.9462,410
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99284,642
Country by Photo of its Leader0-4.6492,947
Countries in a JetPunk Fish of the World Map0-4.9952,290
People Depicted in Paintings0-4.5039,948
Random Flag to Country0-4.99480,298
Random European Flag to Country0-4.87153,335
Most Common JetPunk Answers - Countries0-4.8572,019
Countries of the World in 1914 with a Map0-4.99163,396
Random Countries on the World Map0-5.001,262,774
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4632,004
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99272,779
Countries of Europe in 14440-4.9383,278
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98198,984
Countries that Have Won the Most Battles0-4.0334,919
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00208,511
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99106,950
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98190,542
Countries of the World in 1945 with a Map0-5.00121,235
Pixelated World Map0-5.00123,102
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9884,766
Rich Countries Bordering Poor Countries0-4.9084,058
Battle to Country0-4.8733,543
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99161,940
Countries of the Italian Empire0-4.2124,223
Most Populous Modern-Day Countries by Century0-4.9884,528
Countries by Former Name0-4.9890,379
Flags of Countries of the World in 19100-4.9666,084
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99195,967
Random European Countries on a Map0-4.98249,584
Random Asian Countries on a Map0-4.95145,542
Random African Countries on a Map0-4.99236,961
Random American Countries on a Map0-4.9682,371
World Map Without 20 Random Countries0-4.976,667,897
Countries in Squares of the World Map0-5.00138,553
Countries in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.99106,772
Vatican City Country Quiz0-4.4837,008