Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Spanish pronunciation of "Havana" | La Habana | 79%
By the middle of the 18th century Havana was the third-largest city in the Americas, trailing only behind these two cities (name either) | Lima | Mexico City | 71%
Closest world capital to Havana | Nassau | 70%
The above contributed to the outbreak of this war | Spanish-American War | 68%
U.S. battleship that sank in the Havana Harbour in 1898 (hint: U.S. state) | USS {Maine} | 58%
Singer who sang "Havana" in 2018 | Camila Cabello | 50%
Part of Havana that is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site | {Old} Havana | 50%
Strait Havana overlooks | Straits of {Florida} | 44%
Most famous cabaret and nightclub | Tropicana | 43%
Havana-native who sang for "Miami Sound Machine" | Gloria Estefan | 42%
Largest public square | Plaza de la {Revolución} | 42%
Cuban poet for whom the current name of Havana's main airport is named | José Martí | 20%
Most famous roadway along the coast | Malecon | 19%
Central business district that is the more modern part of the city | Vedado | 9%
Most common nickname of Havana | City of {Column}s | 6%
River that acts as a water supply for Havana | Almendares River | 5%
French pirate who attacked, burned and looted Havana in 1555 | Jacques de {Sores} | 5%
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