Hint | Figure | % Correct |
Scientist famous for relativity | Albert Einstein | 100%
Virgin queen of England | Elizabeth | 98%
Lightbulb inventor | Thomas Edison | 97%
French engineer who built the most famous tower in the world | Gustave Eiffel | 92%
Aviatrix who disappeared in 1937 | Amelia Earhart | 91%
"I Like Ike" president | Dwight Eisenhower | 85%
Anglo-Saxon king called "The Confessor" | Edward | 79%
Nickname of the wife of the Argentinian president Perón | Evita | 76%
Drug lord of Medellín | Pablo Escobar | 75%
Discovered Greenland | Erik the Red | 71%
Father of Geometry | Euclid | 68%
Co-author of "The Communist Manifesto" | Friedrich Engels | 68%
"Dirty Harry" and "Forgiven" actor | Clint Eastwood | 65%
Former prime minister and current president of Turkey | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan | 59%
Holocaust organizer who led to Argentina | Adolf Eichmann | 48%
Greatest jazz composer of all-time | Duke Ellington | 29%
The number e (≈ 2.71828) is named after this Swiss genius | Leonhard Euler | 27%
Athenian author of "Medea" | Euripides | 23%
Jewish queen of Xerxes | Esther | 21%
He founded Oracle in 1977 | Larry Ellison | 8%
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