Question | Answer | % Correct |
Who was the dictator of Iraq between 1979–2003? | Saddam Hussein | 97%
What city was supposedly home to the Hanging Gardens? | Babylon | 93%
What country did Iraq invade in 1990? | Kuwait | 92%
What country did Iraq fight a bloody war against in the 1980s? | Iran | 90%
What 2001 event precipated the Iraq War, even though it had almost nothing to do with Iraq? | September 11 attacks | 83%
What autonomous region, with its capital at Erbil, was established in the country's northeastern part after the Iraq War? | {Kurd}istan | 81%
What historical conquerer died in that city in June 323 BC? | Alexander the Great | 80%
In what war did a U.S. led coalition liberate the country above? | Gulf War | 79%
What group of axis is Iraq part of, according to George W. Bush? | Axis of {Evil} | 74%
What group captured and sacked Baghdad in 1258? | Mongols | 74%
What "golden" age of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing was Baghdad the center of between 8th–14th centuries? | {Islamic} Golden Age | 67%
To what political party did the above belong to? | Ba'ath | 65%
What king of the above city's code of laws called for "an eye for an eye"? | Hammurabi | 60%
What brutal Mesopotamian empire conquered Israel in 722 B.C. and deported 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel? | Neo-Assyrian Empire | 58%
What legendary sailor of the seven seas hailed from Basra? | Sinbad | 57%
What epic poem is regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature? | Epic of {Gilgamesh} | 56%
In what two-letter Biblical city was the patriarch Abraham said to be born? | Ur | 53%
What was the first civilization in Mesopotamia (Led by Sargon the Great)? | Sumer / Akkad | 45%
What name was given to the Mesopotamian pyramids with steps? | Ziggurat | 45%
In what former prison were detainees abused by personnel of the U.S. Army and CIA? | Abu Ghraib | 37%
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