Hint | Answer | % Correct | |
B | Most famous resort island | Bali | 97%
J | Capital city | Jakarta | 96%
D | National animal | Komodo {Dragon} | 94%
O | Great ape of Sumatra | Orangutan | 87%
H | Most common religion in B | Hinduism | 86%
E | This country was invaded by Indonesia in 1976 but eventually gained its independence in 2002 | East Timor | 85%
K | Volcano that erupted in 1883 | Krakatoa | 85%
N | Country that used to control Indonesia until 1949 | Netherlands | 84%
Z | Indonesia has three different of this | Time {Zone} | 81%
M | Indonesian is a dialect of this language | Malay | 76%
I | Colonial name of Indonesia | Dutch East {Indies} | 67%
U | Official motto of the country | {Unity} in Diversity | 63%
S | Founding president | Sukarno | 62%
P | Easternmost province | Papua | 61%
V | Position now held by Ma'ruf Amin | Vice President | 52%
X | Musical instrument that probably originated in Indonesia | Xylophone | 51%
R | The largest flower in the world | Rafflesia | 50%
T | Lake and site of a supervolcano | Toba | 48%
Y | The only royal city in Indonesia that is being ruled by a monarch | Yogyakarta | 44%
F | Major island that is home to dozens of D | Flores | 42%
G | Bird on the coat of arms | Garuda | 42%
C | Former name of Sulawesi | Celebes | 38%
A | Sea northern Sumatra borders | Andaman | 37%
Q | Direction towards which the Muslims pray | Qibla | 34%
W | Indonesian shadow play | Wayang | 33%
L | Island chain B and F are part of | Lesser Sunda Islands | 11%
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