Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Capital city of Kenya | Nairobi | 96%
European country that controlled Kenya from 1895–1963 | United Kingdom | 95%
U.S. President whose father was born in Kenya | Barack Obama | 94%
Official languages | English | 94%
Bordering country | Tanzania | 94%
Bordering country | Ethiopia | 91%
Bordering country | Somalia | 91%
Bordering country | Uganda | 91%
Largest lake that is at least partially in Kenya | Lake Victoria | 86%
Bordering country | South Sudan | 84%
Official languages | Swahili | 82%
Kenya produces more of these leaves than any country except China and India | Tea | 77%
Olympic event in which Kelvin Kiptum broke the world record in 2023 | Marathon | 76%
Most populous coastal city | Mombasa | 58%
Tallest mountain (2nd tallest in Africa) | Mount Kenya | 58%
Trench that runs through Kenya | Great {Rift} Valley | 52%
What killed about 30 people building a railroad over the Tsavo river in 1898 | Lions | 50%
People come to Masaai Mara to see the annual migration of these mammals | Wildebeest | 48%
Currency of Kenya | Shilling | 42%
1952–1960 revolt against that country | {Mau} {Mau} Uprising | 38%
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