Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Official language | German | 97%
Bordering countries | Austria | 93%
Bordering countries | Switzerland | 92%
Capital city | Vaduz | 91%
Mountain range the above is part of | Alps | 77%
Second most spoken language | Italian | 74%
Dominant branch of Christianity | Roman Catholic | 73%
Currency | Franc | 66%
Only other country that is double-landlocked like Liechtenstein | Uzbekistan | 57%
Full English country name | {Principality} of Liechtenstein | 48%
Empire from which the above purchased the land | Holy Roman Empire | 42%
Royal house of the above | Liechtenstein | 41%
Longest river | Rhine | 39%
Most populous city | Schaan | 27%
National anthem the Liechtensteiner anthem sound familiar to | God Save the Queen | 17%
Current monarch | Hans-Adam II | 17%
Dialect of the above that is spoken in Liechtenstein | Alemannic | 8%
What the above is named after | a Castle | 7%
Tallest mountain | {Grau}spitz | 7%
Name for its legislature | Landtag | 5%
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