
Madagascar Country Quiz

🇲🇬 Can you guess these facts about the country of Madagascar?
We give you the first letter of some of the answers
Quiz by Aaron197
Last updated: August 12, 2020
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First submittedJuly 26, 2019
Times taken22,774
Average score64.7%
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Capital city
Official languages
Islands which are larger than Madagascar
New Guinea
Closest mainland African country
Island nation between Madagascar and the above
Surprisingly, the original settlers of Madagascar didn't come from Africa, but instead
sailed from this Southeast Asian country
Gigantic bird that weighed five times as much as an ostrich
(driven to extinction by 1200 AD)
Elephant Bird
The name "Madagascar" was possibly invented by this 13th century Italian
explorer, who confused the island with the city of Mogadishu
Marco Polo
Famous trees with thick trunks
Family of primates found only on Madagascar
90% of Madagascar's plant and animal species are _____ , meaning that they
can be found nowhere else
Madagascar's top export - a key ingredient in some ice cream
Madagascar is responsible for 50% of the world production of these blue stones
National sport of Madagascar
Rugby Union
Level 72
May 19, 2020
The question makes it sound like the name Madagascar is derived from the name Marco Polo instead of Mogadishu. Might I suggested changing the words "comes from" to something like "been named by"

(like you can say elephant comes from olifant. Or a better example "Mauritius" comes from Maurice/Maurits (of Nassau). Or "Kiribati" comes from (Thomas) Gilbert.

I find it a far-fetched etymology story and wonder how much truth there is in it, but that is besides the point :) (because it is not something the makers of this quiz made up)

Level 72
May 19, 2020
Yep I second this, I thought it meant Madagascar was named after the explorer.
Level ∞
May 19, 2020
The question has been reworded slightly.
Level 88
May 19, 2020
Ariary should be in here somewhere.
Level 35
May 20, 2020
I think there are too many questions not pertaining to Madagascar at all or concerning the surroundings rather than the country itself (islands bigger than Madagascar, Mozambique, Comoros...). There again, giving away the first letter for some words (baobab, lemur) takes away the whole challenge...!
Level 72
Aug 21, 2020
Yeah, many of the country quizzes suffer from this.
Level 67
Aug 21, 2020
I think the issue is that with countries like Madagascar, there's not a whole lot of common knowledge about them. Asking for Madagascar's president will yield like a 2% response rate. It's tough to find a sufficient number of gettable (to use a technical term) questions, so they probably need to add some geographic ones just to make the quiz a little more fun.
Level 83
May 20, 2020
The gemstone question says that they are blue (which lots are, fantastic quality too) but they can be absolutely any colour. I've got lots of them stashed in a box, white, green, yellow, pink, purple...all from Madagascar.
Level 76
May 24, 2020
Spelling in 4th-to-last clue: nowhere
Level ∞
May 24, 2020
Level 69
May 24, 2020
Complete lucky guess for the national sport lol
Level 77
Aug 21, 2020
I was there last summer when they reached the quarterfinals of the African Nations Cup. The party they had after losing 3-0 to Tunisia was truly incredible. I never heard anybody talk about rugby, but there was a match on television one night, so I guess that explains that.
Level 66
Jul 15, 2020
What about mainland australia
Level 37
Jul 21, 2020
I was thinking the same thing. I guess the quiz would classify it here as a "continent" instead of an islands. I don't know why, I feel like Australia should be on there too.
Level 72
Aug 21, 2020
Because Australia sits on its own continental shelf, and it's almost as big as Europe.
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
What about Afro-Eurasia?
Level 69
Jul 21, 2020
you mean to tell me mainland australia is smaller than madagascar?
Level 68
Aug 21, 2020
You can have your own interpretations, but Jetpunk counts Australia to be a continent, not an island. That should be consistent across all quizzes on this site.
Level 81
Aug 29, 2020
good to know! I must've typed "Australia" 14 times!
Level 82
Jul 24, 2020
Is there no way you could shoehorn a USA reference in there somehow? Unacceptable.
Level 91
Aug 21, 2020
You're upset that there isn't one?
Level 67
Aug 21, 2020
Pretty sure he's being sarcastic.
Level 45
Aug 21, 2020
I'm not ashamed to say that I knew more about Madagascar then I did about countries like Germany, France and South Korea.
Level 81
Aug 21, 2020
My worst showing on these country quizzes so far.
Level 85
Aug 21, 2020
Weird. I thought this was patronizingly easy (except for the sport). Uzbekistan was my toughest of the 51 so far.
Level 82
Aug 26, 2020
Same here. Hardest one yet for me, Madagascar.
Level 60
Aug 21, 2020
I tried polo for the national sport and accidentally got Marco Polo.
Level 74
Aug 21, 2020
Freebies are great. Wish I'd thought of that.
Level 71
Aug 24, 2020
Nice quiz! Though I don't think you really need to give the first letter in some of those clues (except maybe the elephant one). The other three are pretty much common knowledge.
Level 82
Aug 26, 2020
For me, the hardest quiz yet in this series. Didn't get enough points on the first take.
Level 44
Sep 16, 2020
Can you accept rugby for rugby union? Or are they completely different?
Level 82
Apr 9, 2021
Just "rugby" worked for me.
Level 77
Aug 23, 2021
there may be a technical difference but i’d say to most people ‘indigenous’ means the same as ‘endemic’ - maybe accept that? and i know it doesn’t fit the letter clue but those clues are needless
Level 57
Feb 29, 2024
Indigenous means something is native a region, but endemic means something is native only to that region
Level 68
Jan 7, 2022
I'm usually about average on these country quizzes, but this was surprisingly easy! 100%
Level 62
Feb 22, 2023
Level 47
Jun 29, 2024
Enjoyed the quiz - could you make ‘Papua’ an acceptable answer for ‘New Guinea’?
Level 57
Sep 7, 2024
I like how Indonesia appears thrice in this quiz 🤣