Name an official language that...
Valid official languages
has more than 300 million native speakers
Mandarin | Spanish | English | Hindi
starts with the letter C
Catalan | Comorian | Chewa | Czech | Croatian
is four letters long
Zulu | Thai | Sámi | Urdu
is official in at least three Asian countries
Persian | Mandarin | Arabic | Malay | English
is official in South Africa
Xhosa | Zulu | Afrikaans | English | + 7 others
has more than 100 million native speakers in Europe
is in the Celtic language family
is official in exactly two countries
Turkish | Korean | Romanian | Swedish | + 6 others
is native to the Americas
Quechua | Aymara | Haitian Creole | Guarani
is in the Uralic language family
Estonian | Finnish | Hungarian | Sámi
is official in ASEAN
Vietnamese | Malay | Tagalog | Burmese | + 5 others
is Slavic, but is NOT written in Cyrillic
Polish | Czech | Slovak | Slovene | Croatian
only uses Arabic alphabet (beside Arabic itself)
Persian | Urdu | Pashto
has 74 alphabet letters
is in the Romance language family and is official only in Europe
Italian | Romanian | Romansh | Catalan
is three letters long
ends in the letter i
Bengali | Swahili | Azerbaijani | Māori | Nepali | + 6 others
is derived from Dutch
is official in some country along with Arabic
Kurdish | English | Somali | French | Berber | Comorian
uses the Devanagari alphabet