Clue | Gulf | % Correct |
Also known as "the Gulf" | Persian | 92%
Asian bay or the most common tiger subspecies | Bengal | 85%
Spain makes it southern border, and France its eastern border | Biscay | 73%
Canadian bay named for an Englishman, who was the first European to reach it | Hudson | 71%
Where the Deepwater Horizon oil spill took place | Mexico | 69%
The "Bay Area" surrounds it | San Francisco | 66%
You have to cross this gulf in order to sail from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean | Aden | 56%
Large oceanic bay borderd by Maryland and Virginia | Chesapeake | 55%
Saint Petersburg, Helsinki, and Tallinn all overlook this gulf | Finland | 54%
Makes up the northern end portion of the Baltic Sea | Bothnia | 52%
Its name, in Great Britain, was a gold coin with a value of twenty-one shillings | Guinea | 50%
Canadian bay with the world's highest tides | Fundy | 49%
Where the North American Colorado River empties into | California | 47%
Is connected to the above via the Strait of Hormuz | Oman | 47%
Gulf in which the U.S. navy was attacked - which brought the U.S. into the Vietnam War | Tonkin | 36%
Separates Indochina from the Malay Peninsula | Thailand | 35%
Meets the southern coast of Alaska | Alaska | 32%
Jordan and Israel border the Red Sea through this gulf | Aqaba | 31%
Major bay located between China and North Korea | Korea | 28%
Located west of Australia's Cape York | Carpentaria | 21%