Widely accepted, including by UNESCO. To say it's "debatable" is a bit like saying it's "debatable" that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Sure, it could be a legend, and no one's got the birth certificate. But it's widely accepted. In Buddha's case, there's consensus on Lumbini but somewhat less clarity around the place where he *grew up* - e.g. the identity of Kapilvastu. The most widely accepted candidate by archaeologists globally is Tilaurakot, in Nepal, which has a full city walls, streets, etc. excavated; there's also a nearby candidate in India, about a 5 minute walk from Nepal's border, though it seems to have been a monastery rather than a city. They're quite close and would presumably have been part of the same territory.
Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary were the first ones to climb Mt. Everest and make it back alive. Mallory and Irvine may have reached the top of the world 29 years later. Their bodies were found in 1999 and nobody knows if they died on the way up or on the way back down...
I tried 'oblong' and 'flag shape' which weren't accepted, but I was trying eccentric answers knowing what the correct answer was. I got it with 'quadrilateral' in the end :)
A rectangle needs two sets of parallel lines and four right angles. A square is just a particular type of rectangle in which all four sides have the same length.
Have you ever tried putting 2 square together a rectangle but 2 triangles or whatever Nepal is, isnt a rectangular shape. A square still is a rectangle. Just a different type.
It doesn't help at all. The clue doesn't ask you to name the shape of Nepal's flag. It asks which shape it's not. Unless you thought all the other world flags were double-triangle-shaped, it doesn't really narrow it down, now does it?
Less than 1000 people summit Everest every year, and a good chunk of those are from the Tibetan side. In a country of 30 million, cricket is by far more popular than climbing Everest.
This was easy! I always try to guess the answers I imagine will be on the quiz before looking at the clues, and I got well over half of them before scrolling down on this one.
i think technically speaking, everest is the highest peak on earth, not the tallest (that would be mauna kea). tallest refers to length bottom to top, whereas highest just refers to elevation eg above sea level. part of mauna kea is submerged, which is why they are different. i know the answer is clearly everest but it’s as well to be accurate
Switzerlands flag is a square not a rectangle.
That's a perfect comeback for when we jokingly call them ''Pointpoints".
Patrick Star pointypointypoint