Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Official language | Arabic | 98%
Countries that border Oman | Saudi Arabia | 98%
Countries that border Oman | Yemen | 98%
State religion | Ibadi Islam | 96%
Countries that border Oman | United Arab Emirates | 96%
Most important export | Oil | 93%
Capital city | Muscat | 88%
Country that ruled Oman until 1951 | United Kingdom | 88%
Oman was world's second-last country to abolish this in 1970 | Slavery | 86%
Seas and gulfs that border Oman | {Persian} Gulf | 85%
There are at least 465,500 nationals from this country living in Oman | India | 78%
Title of the Omani monarch | Sultan | 74%
Seas and gulfs that border Oman | {Arabian} Sea | 69%
The "Khanjar" appearing on the flag is a type of this weapon | Dagger | 59%
African island that was once the capital of Oman and the residence of the Omani monarchs | Zanzibar | 53%
Seas and gulfs that border Oman | Gulf of {Oman} | 52%
Strait between Iran and Oman | Strait of {Hormuz} | 50%
Currency of Oman | Omani Rial | 45%
Oman produces 17% of this perfume ingredient | {Frank}incense | 40%
National bird | Falcon | 37%
Capital's name is also the name of a type of this fruit | Grape | 32%
Name either of the two biggest cities after the capital | Seeb | Salalah | 24%
Traditional vessel that starts with D | Dhow | 22%
Monarch of Oman, 1970-2020 | Qaboos | 21%
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