Clue | Answer | % Correct |
Lethal game of chance | Russian Roulette | 98%
Meaning of Belarus's name | White Russia | 79%
Children's toy that fits one inside the other (alternate name) | Russian Dolls | 71%
Consists of February & October | Russian Revolution | 70%
Second James Bond movie | From Russia with Love | 69%
Official name of Russia | Russian Federation | 61%
Aspect of the Russian climate that has helped Russia militarily | Russian Winter | 52%
Was at its peak before 1914 | Russian Empire | 48%
Cocktail with vodka and coffee | Black Russian | 41%
Gray cat breed | Russian Blue | 23%
Russia's national personification | Mother Russia | 22%
Alaska's name when it was a Russian possession | Russian America | 22%
Follow-up of the above | Russian Civil War | 22%
Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus' is its primate | Russian Orthodox Church | 21%
War that mainly took place in Abkhazia and South Ossetia | Russo-Georgian War | 21%
War the was ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth | Russo-Japanese War | 21%
Ruling political party of Russia | United Russia | 17%
Region between Lake Baikal and Bering Strait | Russian Far East | 12%
"Bratva" is what some call it | Russian Mafia | 10%
Type of joke that usually starts with "In Soviet Russia" | Russian Reversal | 5%
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