Mestiço seems to be referring exclusively to children of Portuguese colonists and African slaves. Since the description says "European", I think mulatto should be at least accepted as an alternate answer.
Didn't know about difference between mestico and mestizo but i think mulatto should be accepted also. Yes mestico is more accurate term mulatto is general term for African and European mix.
The problem is how each colonial power deemed every possible mix.
For example, Spain implemented a whole table in New Spain (nowadays Mexico and Central America) to name the race of every person depending of the parents. For example: Spanish and Native = Mestizo; Mestizo and Spanish = Castizo; Spanish and Black = Mulato; Spanish and Mulato = Morisco...
They even had races like "Lobo" (Wolf), "Tente en el Aire" (Touch in the air), "No te entiendo" (I can't understand you), "Torna Atrás" (Come back), "Salta Atrás" (Jump back)...
Einstein's theory of relativity was proved by observing a solar eclipse (or actually stars near it from Earth's point of view) on PrÃncipe in 1919. Maybe this can made into a question.
"Mulatto" could be used as an alternative, but not as the main answer.
For example, Spain implemented a whole table in New Spain (nowadays Mexico and Central America) to name the race of every person depending of the parents. For example: Spanish and Native = Mestizo; Mestizo and Spanish = Castizo; Spanish and Black = Mulato; Spanish and Mulato = Morisco...
They even had races like "Lobo" (Wolf), "Tente en el Aire" (Touch in the air), "No te entiendo" (I can't understand you), "Torna Atrás" (Come back), "Salta Atrás" (Jump back)...
Other empires, like Portuguese, were more simple.
"In 2016, a British and a Mexican joined together to set a bolt-protected route in a volcanic plug in São Tomé island, which is named after a big dog"
Doubters can start their research here.