Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Country that bombarded Libya in 1986 | United States | 82%
Series of protests which caused the downfall of Gaddafi | Arab Spring | 76%
Military officer rank by which he was referred to | Colonel | 73%
Military alliance that intervened in Libya – overthrowing him in 2011 | NATO | 69%
Egyptian President whom he considered his political hero | Gamal Abdel Nasser | 62%
Title held by Idris of Libya before being overthrown by Gaddafi in 1969 | King | 60%
He studied at the university of this Libyan city | Benghazi | 58%
He increased the price of the Libyan oil, which other countries in this oil-based organization soon later followed suit – leading to a global crisis | OPEC | 56%
He had a strange crush on this female black U.S. Secretary of State | Condoleezza Rice | 54%
Book he wrote in 1975 and "intended to be read by all people" | {Green} Book | 53%
When he became leader, he deported people with this ethnic group | Italians | Jewish | 53%
Flight that Libya bombed over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 | {Pan} {Am} Flight 103 | 53%
He founded this international body in 2002, now headquartered in Addis Ababa | African Union | 52%
He was born to a family that belonged to this nomadic Arab ethnic group | Bedouin | 44%
He is buried in an unknown site in this place | Libyan {Desert} | 42%
His political party between 1971–1977 | Arab {Socialist} Union | 37%
Arabic term that means "state of the masses" – which referred to his form of state that was ruled by Gaddafi | {Jama}hiriya | 30%
City in which he was murdered | Sirte | 28%
Title held by him during his leadership | {Brotherly} Leader | 22%
Name of the style of government he ruled Libya by | Third {International} Theory | 22%
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