China may be a terrible place to live for the people of Tibet, but it still ends up more democratic by quite a bit than the countries on this list.
Half of them rank 0.00 on Functioning of Government. a whopping 80% of them have 0.00 on Electoral Process and Pluralism, with Tajikistan at 0.08 as well. China also has a 0 for this but at least it has above 1 for every other category, which none of these do.
China is very Authoritarian but so are these countries.
Actually. some of these countries lose democracy because there just is no way to have it - some dude holds onto power, which descends the place into anarchy and chaos.
Half of them rank 0.00 on Functioning of Government. a whopping 80% of them have 0.00 on Electoral Process and Pluralism, with Tajikistan at 0.08 as well. China also has a 0 for this but at least it has above 1 for every other category, which none of these do.
China is very Authoritarian but so are these countries.