Quizzes by Zaroo77

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Zaroo77.
# of Quizzes 42
# Subscribers 0
Times taken 2,994
Quizmaker Rank # 6,438
Also see Zaroo77's blog.
4092019-08-23All European Countries in Order by Population
1822018-11-25African Countries by Population in Order
1782019-08-12All Montreal Metro Stations in order of ridership
1622018-11-26Asian Countries by Population in Order
1442018-11-15Quebec Quiz
1202018-12-2210 Largest Economies by Continent
1122018-12-07All Oceanian Countries by Population
982018-12-24Potentially Independant Countries
952019-01-26Most Well-Known Canadian Cities
942018-12-26Pakistan Quiz
882019-08-13Countries with the most rapid-transit systems by continent
862018-11-18Top Trading Partners - Micronesia
822019-09-08Five Most Populous Subdivisons by Country
822018-10-07Largest cities in Southern Africa
752018-11-30All Americans Countries in Order of Population
742019-01-06Most Dangerous Countries
642018-10-07Largest Metro Areas in Canada with Exceptions
632018-10-22Most populous french-speaking countries
612019-01-06Safest Countries
612018-10-07Largest Cities in North-East America
572018-10-07Largest Cities in the Middle East
512019-01-06Arctic Ocean General Knowledge
472019-09-21Biggest Cities in Morocco
452018-11-17Top Export by of the 50 Biggest Economies
432018-10-08Biggest skylines in Canada
432018-10-28Most Populous Country Subdivisions
422018-11-11Europe Quiz
422018-11-29Borders of Given Countries
352018-10-07Largest cities in Central America
292018-11-11North America Quiz
282018-12-15Central America Quiz
282018-11-11Asia Quiz
262018-10-28Skyline to City
262018-11-12South America Quiz
242018-11-11Africa Quiz
242018-11-11Oceania Quiz
222020-07-18All Countries HDI Category
102018-12-28Countries Bordering the EAC
82018-11-24Farthest Points
22018-11-25Longest Subway Lines
22018-12-01Highway to Connection