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Jan 22nd - This groundbreaking comedy show, hosted by Dan Rowan & Dick Martin, premieres on NBC.
Laugh In
Jan 23rd - The USS Pueblo and its crew is seized by this cold-war adversary.
North Korea
Jan 31st - In a turning point in the war, the Viet Cong begins an offensive campaign on this Vietnamese holiday.
Feb 6th - The tenth Winter Olympic games open in this city in the French Alps.
Feb 16th - Some of the Beatles travel to India to study this type of meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Feb 24th - Jocelyn Bell, astronomy graduate student at the University of Cambridge, announces the discovery of this object, a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star.
Feb 29th - The Beatles win a Grammy award for this album, which includes such songs as "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "When I'm Sixty-Four."
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Apr 4th - This great civil-rights leader is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Apr 29th - This so-called "American Tribal Love-Rock Musical" opens on Broadway.
Jun 1st - This Simon & Garfunkel song, from the soundtrack of the movie "The Graduate," hits number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Mrs. Robinson
Jun 5th - This presidential candidate is fatally shot while campaigning in Los Angeles.
Robert F. Kennedy
Sep 6th - This small African nation becomes independent.
Oct 16th - During a medal ceremony in the Mexico City Summer Olympics, two American athletes make this controversial gesture.
Black power salute
Nov 6th - Richard Nixon defeats this Democratic candidate in the U.S. Presidential election.
Hubert Humphrey
Dec 12th - This man becomes the first African-American to be the highest-ranked tennis player.
Arthur Ashe
Dec 23rd - Astronauts Borman, Lovell & Anders, aboard Apollo 8, become the first men to orbit this heavenly body.
for presidential first names.