Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Often ridiculed male swimsuit | Speedo | 88%
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are _________ Countries | Nordic | 82%
Single celled micro-organisms, some used in baking and brewing | Yeasts | 82%
Someone who edits content to remove sensitive, illegal or offensive details | Censor | 71%
Colouring matter used to test alkilinity | Litmus | 71%
Choice (noun) | Option | 71%
Criminal without protection from the law | Outlaw | 71%
Body parts considered risque in Victorian times | Ankles | 65%
Used to determine which patient requires more urgent treatment | Triage | 59%
Japanese mafia | Yakuza | 59%
South American cowboy | Gaucho | 53%
Length of fabric worn wrapped around the waist in some Asian countries | Sarong | 53%
Guitarist or tree-feller | Axeman | 47%
Short-legged, muscular quadrupedal marsupials from Australia | Wombat | 47%
Like the "guy" on the bonfire at Guy Fawkes | Effigy | 41%
To assault | Assail | 35%
Crusty fungal/algal growth on trees and rocks | Lichen | 35%
Word similar in meaning to "revolving" | Rotary | 35%
Sudden increase in wind, sometimes with rain storm | Squall | 24%
Coypu or brown colour | Nutria | 18%
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