German | English | % Correct | |
G | Geburtstag | birthday | 93%
B | Bushaltestelle | bus stop | 86%
Z | Zahnarzt | dentist | 82%
P | Parkplatz | parking lot | 74%
A | Achterbahn | rollercoaster | 70%
J | Jahreszeit | season (of the year) | 64%
N | Notausgang | emergency exit | 54%
C | Christentum | Christianity | 53%
D | Duschkopf | shower head | 51%
K | Kettensäge | chainsaw | 50%
I | Irrgarten | maze | 47%
E | Einwohnerzahl | population | 45%
M | Marienkäfer | lady bug | 42%
U | Urwald | primeval forest | 39%
Q | Qualle | jellyfish | 38%
R | Rasenmäher | (lawn) mower | 37%
S | Schlafwandler | sleepwalker | 37%
W | Wasserrohr | waterpipe | 35%
L | Lebewesen | living being | 34%
H | Holzfäller | lumberjack | 34%
O | Organspende | organ donation | 31%
T | Tischmanieren | table manners | 29%
V | Vulkanausbruch | volcanic eruption | 26%
Y | Yachthafen | yacht harbor | 26%
F | Forstwirtschaft | forestry | 13%
X | Xenonscheinwerfer | xenon headlights | 9%
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