Suggested Quizzes

U.S. Presidents Quiz0-5.002,970,609
Shakespeare's Plays Quiz0-4.37333,247
Letters of the Greek Alphabet0-4.94558,628
Olympian Gods Quiz0-4.96443,435
English Monarchs Quiz0-4.84426,179
Figures from Greek Mythology0-4.86163,074
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.85373,328
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94216,000
Famous Ancient Romans0-4.7072,363
Prime Ministers of the UK0-4.94362,274
Name that Greek Letter0-4.92283,547
Flags of Asia Quiz0-4.99492,973
East Asia Cities Map Quiz0-4.9697,237
States of India0-4.92140,509
Countries that Border China0-4.96225,431
Countries in World War I0-4.91201,101
The 12 Tribes of Israel0-3.608,749
Countries that Border Iraq0-4.9698,917
Countries Bordering Iran0-4.8285,863
Roman History Vocabulary0-4.3653,894
Vietnam War Countries0-4.7583,814
Countries Bordering China Since 19140-4.9084,882
Asia Capitals Quiz0-4.98559,431
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7579,033
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99175,544
Countries Bordering Saudi Arabia0-4.95108,397
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.8997,916
Countries Bordering Turkey0-4.98105,172
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses0-4.3825,002
Countries Bordering India0-4.98152,074
Holy Roman Empire Countries0-4.6041,125
Things with Names from Classical Mythology0-4.2979,382
Wives of King Henry VIII0-4.5343,958
Seven Hills of Rome0-4.678,318
Biggest English Cities by Century0-4.9395,265
Oldest Cities in the United Kingdom0-4.3321,341
Biggest Cities in Asia0-4.9291,894
Japanese Prefectures0-4.9796,486
Roman to Greek God0-4.49108,808
Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of England0-4.5524,336
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84326,811
Japan Country Quiz0-4.90113,434
Asia Capital to Country0-4.95101,940
10 Plagues of Egypt0-4.3444,072
Ancient Roman Trivia #10-4.7969,710
Ancient Greek Trivia0-4.4961,829
Ancient Greek Words0-4.8791,132
Kings of France Quiz0-4.1329,122
China Cities Map Quiz0-4.8284,704
Provinces of China Map Quiz0-4.9580,574
Provinces of China0-4.97140,311
Ancient Roman Trivia #20-4.4534,531
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.90118,903
Medieval English History0-4.4839,769
History of Germany Quiz0-4.3039,033
History of France Quiz0-4.4738,444
Prime Ministers of Israel0-4.0015,558
Roman Emperors0-4.9589,250
Chinese Inventions0-4.2032,177
German Inventions0-3.7829,279
Ancient Greek Inventions0-4.1015,216
Azerbaijan Country Quiz0-4.4422,646
Houses of British Monarchs0-4.4849,925
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99198,433
English Royal Consorts0-4.2433,458
Countries of the Japanese Empire0-4.9784,056
Countries in the Ottoman Empire0-4.9065,833
Countries Closest to Japan0-4.94122,290
Countries Closest to India0-4.9390,340
Countries Closest to Turkey0-4.93101,981
Countries Settled by Vikings0-4.93107,814
Georgia Country Quiz0-4.5623,069
Middle East Map Quiz0-4.981,239,342
East Asia Map Quiz0-4.981,299,148
Count in Roman Numerals - 30 Second Sprint0-4.1565,164
Byzantine History0-4.7025,503
History of China0-4.3647,710
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91137,707
Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Asia0-4.9377,617
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9467,325
Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire0-4.6362,827
Asia Map Quiz0-4.99731,018
The Reign of Queen Elizabeth II0-4.3332,793
Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire0-4.4737,804
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93123,924
Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.94106,964
Asian Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.9489,711
Countries Closest to Indonesia0-4.9881,711
Top 10 Asian Countries by Coastline0-4.8986,449
10 Biggest Asian Countries by Area0-4.96121,533
Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries0-4.96139,504
Countries of Asia with an Empty Map0-4.99201,219
Countries of the Middle East0-4.94164,200
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.97103,915
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Asia0-4.8796,703
15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map0-4.8680,145
Biggest Cities once in the Ottoman Empire0-4.7641,813
Countries the UK Declared War On0-4.52107,375
Asian Countries by First 2 Letters0-4.90221,093
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98161,349
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99130,105
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.96112,791
10 Southernmost Countries in Asia0-4.9785,577
Countries Closest to Vietnam0-4.9683,846
10 Easternmost Countries in Asia0-4.9892,737
"Stan" Countries - Map Quiz0-4.97102,654
Countries Most-Visited By Queen Elizabeth II0-4.3445,332
The Reign of Henry VIII0-4.2325,579
10 Asian Countries with the Most Tourists0-4.8885,069
The Reign of Queen Victoria0-4.3221,656
The Reign of Napoleon0-4.4634,865
The Life of Julius Caesar0-4.3831,465
Geography of the Roman Empire0-4.5146,882
Geography of Ancient Greece0-4.5528,815
Biggest Roman Empire Countries0-4.8279,128
Biggest Mongol Empire Countries0-4.9165,168
Countries that Have Controlled Mesopotamia0-4.1314,083
Countries of Asia in 19000-4.4751,383
The Life of Alexander the Great0-4.4517,086
The Reign of Queen Elizabeth I0-4.4528,731
The Life of Gandhi0-4.3512,382
Countries of Asia with Two or More Words0-4.9387,250
English First Names of the Middle Ages0-4.3343,942
The Life of Winston Churchill0-4.0811,114
Former Dominions of the British Empire0-4.3122,094
Geography of the British Empire0-4.4227,116
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8663,572
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97169,705
The Trojan War0-4.8028,885
The Vietnam War0-4.4031,508
Top 10 Asian Countries by Population Increase0-4.9181,324
Countries in Southeast Asia With an Empty Map0-4.9788,412
The Dictator Files: Joseph Stalin0-4.1937,654
The Dictator Files: Chairman Mao0-4.0617,546
History of London0-4.2623,545
Word Chain - Greek and Roman Mythology0-4.4847,964
History of India0-4.5218,398
History of Turkey0-3.8314,820
History of Egypt0-4.5121,541
Asian Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.98116,683
Flags of Countries that Border China0-4.9177,382
Closest Countries to North Korea0-4.90100,323
Paramount Leaders of China0-4.249,520
Provinces of Turkey0-4.94168,548
Asian Countries with the Most Christians0-4.8879,710
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99127,418
Places Where Winston Churchill Said We Would Fight the Nazis0-4.5113,364
Roman History by Picture0-4.4223,644
People in Pictures with Queen Elizabeth II0-4.1623,513
Embarrassing Chapters in British History0-4.2229,389
Embarrassing Chapters in French History0-3.5618,779
Embarrassing Chapters in Chinese History0-3.4715,395
British History A-Z0-4.3930,084
Countries that Bordered British India with an Empty Map0-4.4950,086
Greek Mythology General Knowledge #10-4.7078,580
Mythology A-Z0-4.2332,548
French History A-Z0-4.1212,077
German History A-Z0-4.2112,883
Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks0-4.5244,745
Greek Mythology General Knowledge #20-4.5151,887
People Buried at Westminster Abbey0-4.6012,772
Random Asian Capital to Country0-4.9683,254
Random Asian Country to Capital0-4.9081,693
WWII Figures by Picture0-4.8336,150
Two Letter Roman Numerals0-4.9845,062
Top 100 UK Baby Girls' Names in 18500-4.2650,348
Territory Changes in World War I0-4.8338,008
Georgia ... or Georgia?0-4.6869,514
Giant Great Britain Millennium Quiz0-4.7518,544
Louisiana Purchase with a Map0-4.9533,522
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4631,290
Countries in the Byzantine Empire0-4.9264,056
British History Multiple Choice #10-4.4241,878
Elizabeth I... or Elizabeth II?0-4.2822,846
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.92143,852
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99105,178
Countries of the Mongol Empire on a Map0-4.9988,485
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9883,519
Countries of the Italian Empire0-4.2023,631
Modern-Day Countries of the British Empire in 19210-4.9993,890
Ottoman Empire Quiz0-4.2615,072
Ancient Greece - Multiple Choice0-4.4837,334
Random Asian Countries on a Map0-4.95142,682
Armenia Country Quiz0-4.7424,501
Turkmenistan Country Quiz0-4.7621,713
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.99102,151
Name a Valid Asian Country0-4.9788,410
History of Israel0-4.049,520
Countries of Europe in 1650 with a Map0-4.8943,707
States of the German Confederation in 18480-4.8624,762
Modern-Day Countries of the Ottoman Empire on a Map0-4.9567,263
History of Iran Quiz0-4.5814,776
The Persian Gulf War0-3.917,324
The Iraq War0-4.3513,721
Roman Names for Places0-4.5139,462
Embarrassing Chapters in German History0-3.2411,323
History of Scotland0-4.5119,045
Category Elimination - Asian Geography #20-4.9477,372
Modern-Day Countries of the Persian Empire on a Map0-4.9857,088
Modern Day Countries of Nazi Germany on a Map0-4.97116,491