Episode | Character | Quote | % Correct |
The Swamp | Iroh | "It's a long, long way to {Ba} {Sing} {Se}" | 86%
The Crossroads of Destiny | Iroh | "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname '{The} {Dragon} {of} {the} {West}'? | 85%
City of Walls and Secrets | Dai Li Agent | "There is no {war} within the walls." | 84%
The Tales of Ba Sing Se | Iroh | "Leaves from the {vine}, falling so slow." | 83%
The Blind Bandit | Toph | "What are you doing here, {Twinkle} {Toes}?!" | 78%
Zuko Alone | Zuko | "Azula always {lies}." | 73%
The Chase | Azula | "Well, look at this. Enemies and {traitors}, all working together." | 73%
The Cave of Two Lovers | Chong | "{Secret} {tunnel}!" | 72%
The Avatar State | Azula | "Do the {tides} command this ship?" | 71%
The Earth King | Sokka | "Looks like Long Feng is {long} {gone}!" | 69%
The Desert | Fung | "I see you favor the {white} {lotus} gambit. Not many still cling to the ancient ways." | 65%
Avatar Day | Tong | "That's why we call it justice. Because it's {just} {us}." | 65%
The Serpent's Pass | Ying | "The Serpent's Pass? Only the truly {desperate} take that deadly route!" | 61%
Return to Omashu | Ty Lee | "I mean, my aura has never been {pinker}!" | 59%
The Library | Wan Shi Tong | "Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, He Who Knows {Ten} {Thousand} Things." | 54%
The Drill | Sung | "They don't call it {Na} {Sing} {Se}." | 49%
Appa's Lost Days | Azula | "Who are you? The Avatar's {fan} {girls}?" | 39%
The Guru | Zuko | "Things are {looking} {up}, Uncle." | 38%
Lake Laogai | Aang | "We've got to get to {Whaletail} Island!" | 34%
Bitter Work | Sokka | "Yeah, no {crushing}, please." | 33%
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