Answer | Hint | # of episodes | % Correct |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard | Captain of the Enterprise D | 176 | 100%
Chief Miles O'Brien | Most frequently seen transporter chief | 52 | 100%
Commander William Riker | First officer whom the captain calls "Number One" | 176 | 100%
Counselor Deanna Troi | Ship's counselor with empathic powers | 176 | 100%
Dr. Beverly Crusher | Ship's doctor | 154 | 100%
Guinan | She tends bar, and she listens. | 28 | 100%
Lieutenant Commander Data | Second officer who is "designed to exceed human capacity, both mentally and physically." | 176 | 100%
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge | Helm officer promoted to chief engineer | 176 | 100%
Lieutenant Worf | Security chief who is a Klingon ... "if you doubt it, a demonstration can be arranged." | 176 | 100%
Wesley Crusher | Son of the doctor, he becomes an acting ensign at age 15 (first name) | 86 | 100%
Lieutenant Tasha Yar | Original security chief who recorded: "No goodbyes. Just good memories." | 25 | 94%
Dr. Katherine Pulaski | Newly assigned ship's doctor whom the Captain attempts to chastise within her first few hours | 20 | 81%
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