Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What is the name of the fusion between Goten and Trunks? | Gotenks | 94%
A Saiyan's physical weakness is their _____ | Tail | 94%
Who was the first character to appear as a Super Saiyan 2? | Son Gohan | 91%
Who is the second character to appear as a Super Saiyan in the series? | Trunks | 90%
How many different forms does Freeza have? | Four | 88%
Before he reached Super Saiyan, what technique does Goku use to increase his power in short bursts? | Kaio Ken | 88%
In the movies, who is considered the Legendary Super Saiyan? | Broly | 85%
Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan when _____ is killed by Freeza. | Krillin | 85%
Who is Goku's biological father? | Bardock | 83%
What is Mr. Satan's name in the Funimation edited English Dub? | Hercule | 75%
Who is Goku's opponent in the final round of the second world tournament he fights in? | Tenshinhan | 68%
Which incarnation of Majin Boo does Mr. Satan befriend? | Fat Boo/Mr.Boo | 65%
Namekians can regrow bodyparts as long as their what isn't damaged? | Brain | 63%
What technique does Vegeta use to destroy Android 19? | Super Vegeta's Big Bang Attack | 56%
In Dragon Ball GT, what is the name of Goku's distant descendant? | Goku Jr. | 48%
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