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That the benefits of which are that it increases consumer choice and causes less x-inefficiency due to the presence of competition
Monopolistic competition
A market that shares characteristics of both monopoly and perfect competition
Monopolistic competition
Factors that make it difficult or impossible for incumbent firms to leave a market
Barriers to exit
That which is legal only where it improves production, distribution, and/or technical progress in goods and the market such as setting joint industry standards
The slope of a demand/average revenue curve under a monopoly
Negative slope
A market in which there are barriers to entry and exit and only one firm, which can influence price
Where a firm sets price below average variable cost in an attempt to force rivals out of the market
Predatory pricing
That profit made in the long-run under perfect competition
Normal profit
The fundamental feature of monopolistic competition
Product differentiation
That which can result form a few firms controlling the source of a raw material which they can prevent firms for which it is a prerequisite from entering the market
Barriers to entry
That which perfect competition assumes that products are, with there being no brand loyalty
That which firms under monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly are in terms of price
Price makers
That which firms can erect through legal devices such as patents, copyright, and operating licences
Barriers to entry
That curve which is equal to the average revenue curve and demand curve under perfect competition in the short-run
Marginal revenue curve
Where a dominant firm changes price forcing others to follow suit to protect their market share
Price leadership
A firm that influence mark price
Price Maker
A situation of productive and allocative efficiency where it is not possible to make someone better-off without making another worse-off (depending on the value society places on the goods and services concerned)
Pareto efficiency
The number of firms that are are usually used for measuring the n-firm concentration ratio
That which assumes firms and consumers have perfect knowledge
Perfect Competition
That the principal limitation of which is that it does not reflect regional and local market variations or specific product variations