
Countries with the Most Cars per Capita

Which countries have the greatest number of motor vehicles in relation to their population?
Includes cars, vans, buses, and trucks; but not motorcycles and other two-wheelers
Source: Wikipedia
Quiz by Rohvimity
Last updated: June 5, 2019
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First submittedJuly 25, 2018
Times taken25,949
Average score65.0%
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# per 1,000 ppl
San Marino
New Zealand
United States
# per 1,000 ppl
United Kingdom
Level ∞
Feb 2, 2025
We tried to update this quiz, but unfortunately, we had to defeature it instead. The Wikipedia page on which it is based is a mess now. For one, it misses Monaco. But, more importantly, it includes motorbikes for some countries but not others. This makes Taiwan, which does NOT have a lot of cars, appear in the top 10.
Level 59
Apr 3, 2019
A very interesting quiz, nice!
Level 47
Apr 3, 2019
Thanks! :)
Level 88
Jun 5, 2019
I've heard of Ford Falcons, but not Maltese Falcons.
Level 77
Jun 10, 2019
Oh man, Maltese traffic. Seriously.
Level 75
Jun 14, 2020
So true. If you want to be on time with public transport you have to go to the bus stop half an hour earlier than they tell you to. It's not a schedule, it's a lottery. But don't get me started on Malta.
Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
an average of 17, that is high! (but a relatively new quiz I think)

I got 17 too, missed new zealand, malta and brunei. Of the other ones I think austria somehow surprised me the most, I think of snow and mountains, so less room for cars haha. And france/netherlands/belgium werent there while germany on one end and spain on the other end were there. And luxembourg,

Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
Ok, it is important to know that some of this data is from 2018 while other is from 2013. A lot could have changed since then (there is even data as far back as 2004 , but not anywhere near the top 20, so I dont think those would have reached the top 20 anyway since then.)
Level 87
Jun 5, 2019
I understand that small rich countries have more cars/capita, still no Belgium surprises me... there are cars just everywhere here. According to wikipedia, we are 23rd with 573.
Level 87
Jun 5, 2019
Well, it seems Wikipedia's list is a bit out of order. Maybe you should check Lebanon.
Level ∞
Jun 5, 2019
Obviously Lebanon is an error on the Wikipedia page.
Level 87
Jun 6, 2019
Ok, I thought so. But doesn't that make their whole list dubious?
Level 63
Jun 7, 2019
I went there last week and the whole coastline is a massive queue of cars, where it takes hours to just go a few kilometers.

Even though it is probably an error on the wikipedia page, there are probably more than 683 000 cars in the country.

Level 84
Jul 6, 2019
Their public transport is very bad, city buses almost non-existent
Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
This is perhaps a better source to use (maybe there are even better ones, but havent been able to find them the last hour) It is still not extremely recent, 2016 but it is atleast more recent for over half of the countries that made it to the top20 in this quiz, most of which use 2015 data. Plus (seemingly) having used the same year for a the countries makes it a lot fairer, compared to data gaps of 5+ years.

Level 72
Jun 5, 2019
After a lot of research, (and several dead ends and sites that werent pleasant to navigate at all..) this is the best I can come up with:

It is 2017 data (has been updated last in 2019, so seemingly no more recent data s available)

just like in the previous link finland has risen a lot, to number 3 in 2017. And netherlands and belgium join the top 20. Ow... but it is statistics only on europe... Still.. major changes fromt the 2015 data

1 am now.. so any more research now would be counterproductive I think.. would mainly be my head on the keyboard haha.

Level ∞
Jun 5, 2019
Going to stick with the Wikipedia page for now.
Level 66
Jun 6, 2019
I missed Italy and Spain...
Level 79
Jun 6, 2019
Brunei was my first entry, the Sultan has something like 5000 exotic cars himself.
Level 70
Jun 11, 2019
And yet despite all those phallic exotic sports cars, homosexuality is illegal in Brunei.
Level 75
Jun 14, 2020
Is there a word for having sex with your car? Does it classify as beastiality - I guess not...
Level 81
Jun 6, 2019
Got everything except Estonia. Seems odd that no Arabian peninsula countries show up on the list. I was especially expecting to see the UAE and Qatar. Funny that some small island nations show up... can't exactly take a long drive anywhere from Malta.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2019
Somehow I was surprised there were so many little nations on there.
Level 63
Jun 6, 2019
Estonia is relatively rich as for former communist country. In Poland it's connected also to the distances and, more importantly, higher purchasing value of salaries and lower car prices than before. In my province the most families have 2 or 3 cars.
Level 90
Jun 15, 2019
UAE was a genuine shocker. Maybe they go by actual transient population, not citizen population?
Level 84
Jul 6, 2019
It's never citizen population in per capita stats.
Level 78
Jun 10, 2019
It's insane that a country has more cars than inhabitants...
Level 47
Jun 10, 2019
How was the Vatican not on here?
Level 70
Jun 11, 2019
Guess Popemobiles aren't included
Level 75
Jun 14, 2020
They are all monks and priests. They don't go places, they sleep, preach, pray and occasionaly think.
Level 56
Apr 6, 2021
And sometimes they masturbate
Level 59
Jul 27, 2022
to kids
Level 69
Jun 12, 2019
Apparently, to get high on this list, a country has to be wealthy and people need to travel relatively long distances - or really, really short distances (looking at you, San Marino and Monaco).
Level 63
Jun 18, 2019
It would be interesting to know how many km/miles those cars are driven on average. The people of San Marino and Monaco may be rich and have a lot of cars per capita but I'm sure they only take short trips. To see and to be seen.
Level 84
Jul 6, 2019
Also the cars could be just registered there, not actually used there.
Level 61
Apr 23, 2020
I feel like the sultan of brunei makes out a decent amount of Bruneis amount of cars per capita
Level 46
Aug 22, 2021
Nailed it ! Did miss two Brunei and Estonia but could have been here all night and never have guessed them, well maybe Estonia but not Brunei.
Level 36
Sep 7, 2021
i got brunei and malta but not the uk, iceland, or norway
Level 61
Jul 29, 2022
Got Brunei, forgot Italy. CLASSIC
Level 71
Aug 21, 2022
Now do bicycles ^^
Level 33
Jul 11, 2024
the real pollution causing nations^^
Level 64
Jan 31, 2025
this quiz needs to be updated