Good quiz! Never heard of Mercury or Geely. Can I suggest you accept Great Britain, Britain and England for the UK questions. I typed in lots of things before my answer was accepted. Perhaps also America for the US.
Really enjoyed the quiz. Got 20 out of 20. Not bad for a yankee. Also note to Ozchris : Mercury "was" a brand offering of Ford. At one point (atleast here in the united states) mercury was positioned as a mid level brand offering of Ford Motor Company that was therefore a little fancier and more luxurious than a ford model counterpart. However, towards the last maybe twenty years of it's existence it simply became a confusing rebadged counterpart to a ford branded models that were offered side by side on the same lots and in the same showrooms. Geely is a chinese company that produces and sells in china exact replicas of all the major brand automobiles in the world. Plus recently they acquired swedish automaker volvo (and will probably result in volvo's demise in the coming years...too bad because they have some good products now in the u.s. market with Xc60 and S60 models).