
Famous People from the 17th Century AD

Guess the Names of these famous people, who lived in the 17th century AD
Quiz by klapperklaus
Last updated: July 17, 2019
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First submittedJuly 17, 2019
Times taken134
Average score47.1%
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Astronomer, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, which state that planets orbit the sun on elliptical trajectories
Johannes Kepler
Philosopher and mathematician, developed the coordinate system, "Cogito ergo sum"
René Descartes
Generalissimo of the imperial army in the 30 Years War, was murderd on order of the Emperor for disobeying orders
Albrecht von Wallenstein
Swedish king, who personally lead his troops in the 30 Years War and was killed at the Battle of Lützen
Gustavus Adolphus
Cardinal and Chief Minister of France, who supported the Protestants in the 30 Years War, Villain in the "Three Musketeers"
Cardinal Richelieu
Composer of the Canon in D, whose chord progression is the basis for many modern pop songs
Johann Pachelbel
Dutch painter, known for "The Night Watch", "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp" or "Belshazzar's Feast"
Author of "Paradise Lost" and "Areopagitica"
John Milton
Second Qing Emperor of China, longest reigning emperor of China, who stopped Russian Expansion and caused an age of prosperity
Philosopher of Enlightment, often considert to be the "Father of Liberalism"
John Locke
Great Italian Scientist, proved the Heliocentric Cosmos, but had to renounce his discoveries on trial of the Inquisition
Galileo Galilei
Scientist, who developed the three laws of motion, the theory of gravity, co-inventor of calculus
Isaac Newton
Scientist, who invented binary numbers, developed a methaphysical system of Monads, co-inventor of calculus
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
French general of the Austrian Army in the Great Turkic War and the War of Spanish Succession
Eugene of Savoy
Lord Protector of Great Britain and Commander of the New Model Army, who commited a genocide in Ireland
Oliver Cromwell
"Sun King" of France, who build Versailles and centralized France
Louis XIV
King of Poland, who lifted the Siege of Vienna
John III Sobieski
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