
Famous People from the 20th Century AD

Guess the Names of these famous people, who lived in the 20th century AD
Quiz by klapperklaus
Last updated: July 19, 2019
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First submittedJuly 19, 2019
Times taken109
Average score80.0%
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Dictator of the USSR during WWII, responsible for the Great Purge, the Holodomor and the Industrialisation of the USSR
Joseph Stalin
Pioneer of Computer Science, helped to break the Enigma-Code
Alan Turing
Beatles-Member, husband of Yoko Ono, who was murdered in 1980
John Lennon
"Führer" of Germany from 1933 to 1945, responsible for WWII and the Shoah
Adolf Hitler
Communist Leader of China, who won the Chinese Civil War and ruled the country till his death in 1976
Mao Zedong
King of Rock'n'Roll, "Jailhouse Rock", "Love me Tender", "Hound Dog"
Elvis Presley
Pop artist, known for his paintings of a soup can, Marilyn Monroe, and a banana for Velvet Underground
Andy Warhol
Industrialist, founded a company, which produced the Model T, the first mass produced car
Henry Ford
Scientist, who developed the Special and General Theory of Relativity and made important contributions to Quantum Physics
Albert Einstein
Father of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Communist independence fighter in Vietnam and first Prime Minister of North Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
Existantialist philosopher and playwright, author of "Being and Nothingness", "No Exit" and "Existentialism is a Humanism"
Jean-Paul Sartre
Prince of Austria-Hungary, who was murdered in 1914, which caused WWI
Franz Ferdinand
Leader of the Bolshevik Party during the October Revolution in Russia, founder of the USSR
Vladimir Lenin
Last leader of the USSR, known for his "Glasnost" and "Perestoika" policy
Mikhail Gorbachev
Pioneer of animated movies, inventor of Mickey Mouse, his company is now one of the biggest companies in the entertaiment industry
Walt Disney
Activist for Indian Indepence, known for his principle of Non-Violence and his Salt March, murdered in 1948
Mohandas Gandhi
Cosmonaut and first person in Space
Yuri Gagarin
Leader of the Solidarność union and first President of Poland after the fall of the Warsaw Pact
Lech Walesa
Civil rights activist in the USA, known for his "I have a dream"-Speech
Martin Luther King
Level 36
Jul 19, 2019
Cannot believe that I couldn't remember Walesa's name!
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