They didn't, they added it as an additional, short form name. In fact the additional name was Česko, the name ending in -o makes it neutral, the anglicisation makes it look feminine. And, despite neither English nor Czech having 'cz' in it's words, we English decided to go with that.
Since I'm here, Democratic REpublic of the Congo?
My boyfriend is Czech (he calls it Čechý and refuses to listen to anyone if they call it Czechia) and my dissertation was on the DRC so I kinda feel like this could be persona!! l :-D lol
Since it has been brought to my attention that some of the answers to this quiz aren't as they should be, I've made the changes requested, thanks for the feedback!
Since I'm here, Democratic REpublic of the Congo?
My boyfriend is Czech (he calls it Čechý and refuses to listen to anyone if they call it Czechia) and my dissertation was on the DRC so I kinda feel like this could be persona!! l :-D lol