Answer the questions about the fifteenth and final season of the CW's show Supernatural. This is the first part seeing as the last seven episodes have been delayed due to COVID-19. This quiz contains questions regarding only the first 13 episodes of the season.
Any left out scenes or episodes are not a reflection upon my preferences and are not meant to offend anybody.
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What is the name of the demon who takes over Jack's body in "Back and to the Future"?
What witch returns to help the boys in "Raising Hell"?
Name one of the three people who died in "The Rupture".
Ketch, Rowena, Belphagor
What obsessive former lover of Sam returns for a single episode in "Atomic Monsters"?
Becky Rosen
What demon returns in "Proverbs 17:3" and destroys The Equalizer?
Who does Sam resurrect at the end of "Golden Time"?
Who goes on a solo hunt in "Last Call"?
What character returns for the first time in 215 episodes in "Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven"?
Adam Miligan
Where do Dean and Cas return to in "The Trap"?
What affable werewolf named his children Sam and Castiel in "The Heroes' Journey"?
What game does Dean play to win back his and Sam's luck in "The Gamblers"?
What character returns for the first time since season 13 in "Galaxy Brain"?
Kaia Nieves
Both Jensen and Jared's wives are in "Destiny's Child". Name one of them.
Danneel Ackles or Genevieve Padalecki
What halted production on this final season, postponing the rest of the episodes to Fall 2020?
Finish the Quote: "You're an abomination with that ____________."
Trench coat
Finish the Quote: "___ can't be trusted."
Finish the quote: "I gotta tell ya, Sammy. This Sam and Dean, sure, they're simple, but they got this place of their own, there's no quarterly reports, there's no investor calls. There's nothin' to do but hunt monsters, drink beer, and watch ___."