Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Configure a DHCP Address Pool | ip dhcp pool [VLAN_ID] | 67%
Sets the Domain Name | domain-name [domain] | 42%
Sets the DNS Server (8 max) | dns-server [server1_ip] [server2_ip] | 33%
Sets the Network Address and Subnet Mask | network [address] [mask] | 33%
Sets the Default Gateway (8 max) | default router [router_ip] | 25%
Configure an Interface on a Cisco Device to use DHCP | ip address dhcp | 25%
Excludes Addresses from DHCP | ip dhcp excluded-address [start_ip] [end_ip] | 25%
Sets Lease Period (0-365) or Infinite | lease [days] | 25%
DHCP Address Pools Information | show ip dhcp pool [pool_name] | 25%
Manually Bind Specific IP and Mask to Host | host [address] [mask] / client-identifier [mac] | 17%
Enables DHCP Relay Agent Feature | ip helper-address [address] | 17%
Enables DHCP | service dhcp | 17%
Displays Information about each IP Address Lease | show ip dhcp binding | 17%
Displays the DHCP Server Database Agent Information | show ip dhcp database | 8%
DHCP Server Statistics | show ip dhcp server statistics | 8%
Clears the Address Conflict List | clear ip dhcp conflict | 0%
Stops DHCP Conflict Logging | no ip dhcp conflict logging | 0%
Controls Which Protocols are Forwarded | no ip forward-protocol udp [port] | 0%
Displays Default Domain Name, Server Hosts, Hostnames, and Lookup Service | show hosts | 0%
Displays IP Addresses with Conflicts and the Method of Discovery (Gratuitous ARP or Ping) | show ip dhcp conflict | 0%
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