Answer | Hint | % Correct |
Quip | (n) a clever or witty remark | 100%
Raze | (v) to tear down completely | 88%
Prolific | (adj) characterized by abundant production | 63%
Putrid | (adj) rotten | 63%
Pugnacious | (adj) inclined to quarrel or fight | 50%
Querulous | (adj) tending to complain | 50%
Quiescent | (adj) marked by a state of quiet rest | 50%
Recalcitrant | (adj) resistant to authority | 50%
Refrain | (v) to abstain from an impulse to say or do something | 50%
Remorse | (n) deep and painful regret for wrongdoing | 50%
Prosaic | (adj) dull | 38%
Prudent | (adj) showing good judgment | 38%
Pungent | (adj) sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell | 38%
Rejuvenate | (v) to restore youthful vigor | 38%
Relic | (n) a surviving memorial of something past | 38%
Prophecy | (n) the prediction of what's to come | 25%
Provoke | (v) to anger; to incite | 25%
Purge | (v) to clear or empty | 25%
Rebuke | (v) to express sharp disapproval of | 25%
Redoubtable | (adj) commanding respect | 25%
Remnant | (n) a fragment or scrap | 13%
Rampart | (adj) unrestrained; extending unchecked | 0%
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