Click this link and type the country which is the answer
You are well on your way!
Now, go to the country quiz for this country and give me the answer to the 18th question
Nice work!
Now, use the four letter code formed by the first and last letters of the grid puzzle to translate the previous answer to letters, eg. 2251=IIAM. Type the answer in this quiz
Still too easy for you?
Nice work, now what was the correct answer you typed?
Get ready for some scrolling!
Click Me! What two adjacent cities have the same name? Hint: check the 2,000s
You found it!
Wat was the rank of the more populous one? PS, here is the original source
Now, go to the country quiz for that country. Find the two years mentioned, and use them to find four coordinates in the original puzzle. Arange the four letters of these coordinates and type the answer.
Correct, yet again.
This figure was an infamous dictator of what country?
That's right!
Since we are on the subject of dictators, go to the Quizmaster's blog about dictators changing the names of things. Find a four digit code by counting the number of As, in the first and second paragraphs and the number of Bs and Cs in the first paragraph and Type those numbers here.
Tired of counting?
Use this four digit code, looking in the corresponding columns of the original puzzle. Using this, one of the rows will reveal a country. Go to its country quiz and type the two other countries mentioned in the clues here.
Those are the ones!
Now, go to interesting facts, and find the first fact which mentions one of these countries. Read the comments.
Keep going!
Now, use this four letter code and the first four letter code. Unscramble them to find the name of a world capital
That's it!
Take the country of this capital. Go to wikipedia and type its rank in area, then its rank in population(according to the general page, not the country-specific page), then its rank in GDP (PPP) per capita(according to the first source listed)
Lots of numbers
Use this code to find four new letters on the original puzzle and type the country this word is often associated with.
Too easy?
Math's tough
What is the name of our quiz which has Untersee as a correct answer?
Tricky, huh?
What about Waalwijk?
Nice job!
What about Garamond
You might be cut out to be a detective!
Type "I win"