
Most Common High School Mascots

Can you name the most common team names for high schools in the United States?
According to a comprehensive report. Only including active teams.
Quiz by HinesBrothers
Last updated: December 15, 2020
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First submittedDecember 12, 2020
Times taken26,868
Average score63.3%
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Bird of prey
Big cat
Big cat
Breed of dog
Generic term for a small
to mid-size cat
Brave fighter
Big cat
Big cat
Warrior of the Middle Ages
Wild horse
Native inhabitant of the U.S.
Bird of prey
Person from Troy
Citizen of Athens' rival
Male sheep
Looter and pillager
Red bird
One who loves their country
Stinging insect
Naval looter and pillager
Bird of prey
Ursine creature
Religious warrior
Predecessor to the Greek gods
Type of lynx
One who defies authority
Colored demon
Blue Devils
Big cat
Wild canine
Level 96
Dec 13, 2020
Every answer is accepted on its singular form, except for bears.
Level ∞
Dec 13, 2020
Level 75
Dec 13, 2020
Possibly accept mountain lion for cougar, since they refer to the same animal?
Level 70
Dec 18, 2020
I'd think it's what actually gets printed on the jersey rather than synonymous terms
Level 84
Dec 13, 2020
I would enjoy this one without the clues.
Level 70
Mar 10, 2021
If that was the case this Brit would have got a round zero, instead of my measly 13!
Level 77
Dec 14, 2020
lynx and bobcat are two different species
Level ∞
Dec 14, 2020
Level 63
Dec 15, 2020
Finally a sports quiz where you don't need to know a thing about sports. :D It's a fun quiz.
Level 76
Dec 15, 2020
I nearly forgot panthers.
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
29/30. I tried so many cats, but couldn't think of panthers.
Level 62
Dec 16, 2020
Is Wildcat a generic term for a small to mid-size cat? Does anyone else think this definition poorly describes Wildcat?
Level 78
Dec 31, 2020
I didn't even need the clue for was the very first mascot to come to mind. That being said, I don't know how else to describe wildcat.
Level 70
Mar 8, 2021
Perhaps "a term for a non-domesticated cat" would be better...
Level 91
Mar 8, 2021
If my high school didn't have a wildcat as its mascot, I probably wouldn't have remembered that one.
Level 70
Mar 8, 2021
Not a good description of a wildcat, I like 'feral feline' as a clue.
Level 68
Mar 8, 2021
yeah, it's a pretty common name, but the clue wasn't very helpful. You know what I call a small to mid-size cat? A cat.
Level 72
Jul 14, 2024
I was thinking of a Maine-Coon..
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
Wildcats aren't feral cats. They are different species from the domestic cat. In the US, the term usually refers to the bobcat. My mom's high school mascot was a wildcat. They had huge blue pawprints painted on the sidewalks near the school.
Level 57
Sep 10, 2022
A wildcat is an actual animal. It's not a generic term. There's the European Wildcat and the African Wildcat. They aren't descended from domestic cats but share a common ancestor.
Level 72
Dec 19, 2020
So the cardinal is a red bird. As someone from the UK I did wonder why some US sports teams named themselves after senior members of the Roman Catholic church.
Level 59
Mar 9, 2021
I too am just learning this now
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
The northern cardinal is the state bird of several states. It's really popular, probably because it's one of the few brightly colored birds of the mid-latitudes.
Level 77
Dec 23, 2020
As a non-American, what's up with Blue Devils?
Level 75
Dec 27, 2020
Also keen to know what on earth that is about...
Level 65
Jan 5, 2021
Apparently a name for French alpine infantry during WW1. I've understood this even as an American
Level 45
Mar 8, 2021
Perhaps its just the result of Duke University being the Blue Devils and high schools naming themselves after that
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
As an American, I was also surprised. There are so many colors; why blue? Also, why would schools want to be associated with the word "devil" anyway?
Level 77
Mar 10, 2021
It's certainly oddly specific, wouldn't have known it if my own school was "home of the blue devils"
Level 72
Mar 12, 2021
And there are schools who've chosen the "red devil" as their mascot. I've often wondered why schools would want to label their kids that way. And just who suggested and approved these mascots in past decades?
Level 61
Nov 30, 2021
As an American, what's up with Blue Devils?
Level 76
Oct 27, 2023
I actually have no clue, a lot of these are schools in my area but I've only seen one blue devils, and I thought it was just something random.
Level 89
Dec 30, 2020
Forgot Tigers. Came from a HS that were the Tigers...
Level 69
Mar 8, 2021
418 high schools need to change their mascot already!!!
Level 57
Mar 8, 2021
cancelling Redskins even though Native Americans were proud or didnt care about that is just bs...
Level 77
Mar 8, 2021
Some of Ramba's best friends are Indians.
Level 45
Mar 8, 2021
I am Native American and it offended me.
Level 81
Mar 8, 2021
hate, you're in the small minority. Tshalla... give it a rest. I'm also part indigenous American, though the only people that this would matter to are racist small-minded idiots so I'm reluctant to even bring it up as if it gives me some authority to have an opinion (it doesn't), and I understand that the Redskins mascot was meant as something positive, that the redesigned logo was created by Walter Wetzel a former Blackfeet tribal chairman, that the large majority of Americans with indigenous ancestry either didn't give a crap about the Redskins or saw it as something positive, and that the decision to change it was a very stupid one based on fear and ignorance.
Level 77
Feb 8, 2024
As a European who doesn't understand that much about the whole racism controversy in the US, I used to see names like Redskins or Indians as something alike Vikings, Spartans, Trojans etc. - a name that instills respect and shows that these people were seen as fierce and proud warriors. Of course that's a stereotype and fairly one-dimensional, but with my non-American understanding of the term, I wouldn't call it racist. To me, racism always contains the idea of superior and inferior people, and I don't see that here.
Level 76
Mar 8, 2021
Nobody is offended by it in the town I live in. Indians are big supporters of the school too and approve all imagery.
Level 71
Mar 8, 2021
659 really. While I don't think we should be naming our teams the Indians, I definitely don't think we should be naming them for people who went around forcing people to either become Christian or to die.
Level 81
Mar 8, 2021
No they don't. People need to stop getting offended by stupid BS.
Level 53
Mar 9, 2021
If you are offended by something, then ignore it. Chances are, others aren't, and something shouldn't be removed just because of your opinion.
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
by the same logic-- if you're not offended by something, don't express an opinion if it's changed. chances are, others are, and something shouldn't be kept just because of your opinion
Level 75
Mar 9, 2021
There's someone offended by literally everything. Guess we just shouldn't have mascots.
Level 81
Mar 21, 2021
I mean this list is very cat-centric!
Level 53
Sep 10, 2022
how was I braindead enough to post this comment, jesus
Level 68
Mar 8, 2021
I wonder why blue in particular. I would have thought red would be the color of choice.
Level 64
Mar 9, 2021
Raiders, pirates, crusaders, rebels, devils...did people think through the values that these mascots imply?
Level 34
Sep 17, 2023
that's not the point of a mascot
Level 24
Mar 10, 2021
Got 7/30 ikr not good with sports but overall fun quiz
Level 75
Apr 19, 2021
Who decides to name their team Eagles or Tigers?..Being a little more original wouldn't kill them.
Level 77
Apr 27, 2021
I don't see how "brave" has anything to do with the definition of "warrior".
Level 61
Jun 4, 2021
why blue devils in particular?
Level 79
Aug 23, 2022
Probably stems from Duke. In turn, Duke got their name (according to Wikipedia) from: the French "les Diables Bleus" or "the Blue Devils," which was the nickname given during World War I to the Chasseurs Alpins, the French Alpine light infantry battalion.
Level 82
Mar 13, 2023
I went to a school in NYC whose mascot and teams were the Bearcats. I had to Google "bearcat". We didn't have a lot of school spirit. Could be the very obscure mascot & team name.
Level 75
Mar 23, 2023
26/30 but I couldn't get the dog answer! Thanks for the quiz!
Level 34
Sep 17, 2023
i have never seen highschohol musical and somehow i was still able to get most of these( not wildcats though lLOL) my high school mascot is missing from this list.....

Great QUIZ!! Thank you for making jet punk fun :)

Level 33
Jun 12, 2024
so many clues are big cat