Name a valid U.S. city ...
with an elevation over 5,000 feet
Denver | Albuquerque | Colorado Springs | Aurora | + 7 more
that has hosted the Summer Olympics
Los Angeles | Atlanta | St. Louis
that is NOT one of the 10 biggest cities in its state
Santa Ana | Riverside | Stockton | Irvine | + 106 more
sharing its name with an official English city
Lincoln | Durham | Birmingham | Worcester | + 4 more
with a population density greater than 5,000 / km2
New York City | San Francisco | Jersey City | + 4 more
with a four-letter name
Mesa | Reno | Cary | Waco | Kent | Bend
in Puerto Rico
San Juan | Bayamón | Carolina | Ponce | Caguas
whose name begins with the letter V
Virginia Beach | Vancouver | Visalia | Victorville | + 4 more
in the Phoenix Metro Statistical Area * Other than Phoenix itself
Mesa | Chandler | Scottsdale | Gilbert | Glendale | +3 more
whose city center is within 25 miles of a Great Lake
Chicago | Detroit | Milwaukee | Cleveland | Toledo | + 3 more
with a population decrease of at least 5% between 2010 and 2019
Detroit | San Juan | St. Louis | Toledo | Shreveport | + 5 more
north of Seattle, Washington
Anchorage | Spokane | Everett | Spokane Valley
within 200 miles of the geographical center of the lower 48 states
Omaha | Wichita | Lincoln | Topeka
with a University of California campus
Los Angeles | San Diego | San Francisco | + 3 more
whose name begins with FORT
Fort Worth | Fort Wayne | Fort Lauderdale | Fort Collins
on the Missouri River
Kansas City | Omaha | St. Louis | Kansas City | Independence
in the Carolinas, on the Atlantic coast
Charleston | Wilmington
that has been the U.S. capital since 1776 * Excluding Washington, D.C.
New York City | Philadelphia | Baltimore
in Indiana, other than Indianapolis
Fort Wayne | Evansville | South Bend | Carmel
that receives less than eight inches of precipitation annually
Las Vegas | Bakersfield | Henderson | Reno | + 4 more
I’d like to suggest rewording this question:
"that has been the U.S. capital since 1776”
"that has at some time since 1776 been the U.S. capital”
The way it reads now implies that the city has been the U.S. capital *continuously* since 1776. I realise that’s not possible but it threw me off for a while.
Thanks, Nadine