Let me guess: Willem II, FC Twente, Groningen, NEC and last but not least, Nooit Ophouden Altijd Doorzetten Aangenaam Door Vermaak En Nuttig Door Ontspanning Combinatie Breda.
True, but more importantly, all of the Apeldoorn urban area is within its own municipality, while Arnhem has significant towns which are part of its urban area (Oosterbeek, Velp, Westervoort etc.) which are part of a different municipality. If you count the cities that way, Arnhem is still the biggest city in Gelderland, a fair bit larger in population than Nijmegen, and much larger than Apeldoorn.
For reference; the Arnhem urban area has between approx. 210.000 and 230.000 inhabitants, depending on whether you include Duiven or not.
I grew up in Apeldoorn and currently live in Arnhem by the way, so it's an interesting one for me.
Zaanstad is a municipality. I'm not 100% sure of the distinction between city and municipality, but the Wikipedia data lists population by municipality.
Maybe change the name of the quiz to biggest municipalities then? So there is no confusion.
Cause even if zaanstad is guessed 11% correct. Pretty sure none of those were done on peoples first try. Must have come from people trying to get them all right and retaking the quiz.
I don't even think that people that live in one of the (apparently seven) cities in the region of zaanstad will have given it as an answer ;)
I was surprised den bosch/'s hertogenbosch wasn't on it either.
Checked, and apparently it would ve been the next one on this list. (recent study found here https://toponderzoek.nl/2017/07/31/aantal-inwoners/)
But I must add, the quizname mentions cities, zaanstad isn't a city but a collection of them, seven to be precise. The city with the highest inhabitants only has approximately 75.000
Zaandam - 76.804
Assendelft - 23.459
Krommenie (inclusief Krommeniedijk) - 17.226
Wormerveer - 11.803
Koog aan de Zaan - 11.133
Zaandijk - 8.686
Westzaan - 4.621
(source: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaanstad)
Would ve been fine with having it on the list if the quiz was, biggest municipalities. But the name of the quiz contains city. (just tried to read the wikipedia entries of municipalities and city proper, things are spinning haha, even in my own language it would ve been complicated I think)
Not even sure I ever heard of zaanstad, Zaandam I did know though.
As an America, I got: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Haarlem and Utrecht, the last two because they are the namesakes of neighborhoods in New York. I was surprised that Delft didn't work.
Haarlemmermeer definitely isn't a city. It's a big combined municipality of all the towns and villages within the 60 km long ringvaart (a circular canal dug to drain the polders within). There are somewhat bigger towns within like Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep and Schiphol, but they are all seperated by polders and not connected at all. No Dutch person would ever call it a city as this would make no sense at all
For reference; the Arnhem urban area has between approx. 210.000 and 230.000 inhabitants, depending on whether you include Duiven or not.
I grew up in Apeldoorn and currently live in Arnhem by the way, so it's an interesting one for me.
Cause even if zaanstad is guessed 11% correct. Pretty sure none of those were done on peoples first try. Must have come from people trying to get them all right and retaking the quiz.
I don't even think that people that live in one of the (apparently seven) cities in the region of zaanstad will have given it as an answer ;)
Checked, and apparently it would ve been the next one on this list. (recent study found here https://toponderzoek.nl/2017/07/31/aantal-inwoners/)
But I must add, the quizname mentions cities, zaanstad isn't a city but a collection of them, seven to be precise. The city with the highest inhabitants only has approximately 75.000
Zaandam - 76.804
Assendelft - 23.459
Krommenie (inclusief Krommeniedijk) - 17.226
Wormerveer - 11.803
Koog aan de Zaan - 11.133
Zaandijk - 8.686
Westzaan - 4.621
(source: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaanstad)
Would ve been fine with having it on the list if the quiz was, biggest municipalities. But the name of the quiz contains city. (just tried to read the wikipedia entries of municipalities and city proper, things are spinning haha, even in my own language it would ve been complicated I think)
Not even sure I ever heard of zaanstad, Zaandam I did know though.
The top 3 just from general awareness
The next 3 thanks to following European football
One (Nijmegen) thanks to "A Bridge Too Far"
And one (Haarlem) thanks to years of quiz-taking on JetPunk. (thanks, JetPunk!)