
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - People

Can you name all the people involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, both during the attempt & after?
Quiz by ADog550
Last updated: October 10, 2024
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First submittedOctober 10, 2024
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16th President of the United States & Main Target of the assassination plot; Shot in the head & died the following day at 7:22 am
Abraham Lincoln
16th Vice President of the Unites States & One of three targets of the assassination plot; Survived & later became the 17th President
Andrew Johnson
Eldest son of William H. Seward; Brevet Colonel in the Union Army; Suffered seven stab wounds during assassination attempt against his father, but survived
Augustus Henry Seward
Sergeant in the United States Army; Crept up behind John Wilkes Booth and shot him, paralyzing him; Booth would die later that day
Boston Corbett
Surgeon in the Union Army; First doctor to arrive on scene at Ford's Theatre; Treated President Lincoln until his death the next morning
Charles Leale
Fiancé, later wife, of Henry Rathbone; Sat alongside Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd & her fiancé during the assassination attempt
Clara Harris
Brought Lewis Powell to Secretary Seward's house & waited outside for Powell, until fleeing when he heard screams; Executed on July 7, 1865
David Herold
Stagehand at Ford's Theatre; Originally asked to hold Booth's horse, but he had to move scenery during play; Arrested & sent to prison
Edmund "Ned" Spangler
27th United States Secretary of War; Organized the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth, David Herold & John Surratt
Edwin Stanton
Messenger bringing a telegram to Secretary William H. Seward, but was severely injured by the fleeing Lewis Powell
Emerick Hansell
Daughter of William H. Seward; Guarded her father's room, but was pushed aside & injured; She helped save her father's life after Powell fled
Franny Seward
Son of William H. Seward; Politician; Confronted Lewis Powell before he could enter his father's room; Wounded by Powell, but survived
Frederick W. Seward
Confederate sympathizer assigned to assassinate the 16th Vice President, but lost his nerve and made no attempt; Executed on July 7, 1865
George Atzerodt
Soldier of the United States Army & Attendant of Secretary William H. Seward; Helped Augustus fend off Powell from the Secretary
George F. Robinson
American stage actor and comedian; Only performer on stage at Ford's Theatre at the moment Abraham Lincoln was shot
Harry Hawk
Brevet Colonel in the US Union Army; Sat in the booth with Lincoln & attempted to stop John Wilkes Booth; Injured by Booth
Henry Rathbone
Lost both his legs below the knee at the Second Battle of Bull Run; Later, the stenographer after Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre
James R. Tanner
Livery stable owner in Washington, D.C; John Wilkes Booth hired a horse from him the night of President Lincoln's assassination
James W. Pumphrey
President Lincoln's personal bodyguard during his visit to Ford's Theatre; Left his post to get drunk and fall asleep; Later yelled at by Mary Todd
John Frederick Parker
Innkeeper who rented Mrs. Surratt's Maryland tavern and gave Booth and Herold weapons and supplies that night
John M. Lloyd
Confederate spy who was accused of plotting in the assassination attempt on the 16th President; Not convicted & he fled to Europe
John Surratt Jr.
Famous Stage Actor; Assassinated the 16th President at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865; Fatally shot and died on April 26, 1865
John Wilkes Booth
Ford's Theatre Employee, who attended to the stables behind the theatre; Held John Wilkes Booth's horse
Joseph "Peanuts" Burroughs
Confederate soldier who attempted to assassinate the 24th Secretary of State; Worked alongside Booth & Herold; Executed on July 7, 1865
Lewis Powell
Clerk; Chief Witness for the prosecution in the trial following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Louis J. Weichmann
Woman who owned a boarding house; Co-conspirator in the assassination plot; Executed on July 7, 1865; 1st woman executed by the federal government
Mary Surratt
Wife of Abraham Lincoln & First Lady of the United States; Sat alongside her husband when he was shot by John Wilkes Booth
Mary Todd Lincoln
Confederate soldier and conspirator in the assassination attempt on Lincoln, although he did not directly participate; Arrested & sent to prison
Michael O'Laughlen
Confederate sympathizer and conspirator in the assassination attempt on Lincoln, although he did not directly participate; Arrested & sent to prison
Samuel Arnold
Physician who treated John Wilkes Booth's broken leg after the assassination plot; Arrested, but later pardoned by President Johnson
Samuel Mudd
24th United States Secretary of State & One of three targets of the assassination plot; Survived, but was greatly wounded
William H. Seward
The Military Tribunal
Major General in the United States Army; Presided over the tribunal
David Hunter
Major General in the United States Army; 11th Governor of New Mexico Territory
Lew Wallace
Brigadier General in the United States Army; Prominent role in Siege of Petersburg & the Appomattox Campaign
Robert Sanford Foster
Brevet Major General in the United States Army; Commanded the 10th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Thomas Maley Harris
Brigadier General in the United States Army; Commanded the artillery depot in Washington, D.C.
Albion P. Howe
Brigadier General in the United States Army; Author of several army manuals on duties & customs eventually adopted by the U.S. military
August Kautz
Colonel in the United States Army; Known for excellent service in the Army quartermaster department
James A. Ekin
Colonel in the United States Army; Won a Medal of Honor during Battle of Fairfax Court House
Charles H. Tompkins
Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army; American teacher and career officer
David Ramsay Clendenin
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