Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Resistance Droid owned by Above | BB-8 | 100%
First Order Stormtrooper Defector | Finn | 100%
Scavenger turned jedi | Rey (Palpatine) | 100%
Resistance Hero & Smuggler | Han Solo | 96%
Resistance Leader | Leia Organa Solo | 96%
Resistance General & Pilot | Poe Dameron | 96%
Sith & Leader of the First Order | Kylo Ren | 91%
Jedi Grand Master (Force Ghost) | Yoda | 91%
Resistance Hero & Smuggler BFF | Chewbacca | 87%
Protocol Droid | C-3PO | 83%
First Order General & Resistance Spy | General Hux | 83%
Jedi Master (Later Force Ghost) | Luke Skywalker | 83%
Astromech Droid | R2-D2 | 83%
Secret Leader & Creator of Above | Sheev Palpatine | 83%
Supreme Leader of the First Order | Snoke | 78%
First Order Stormtrooper with Chrome | Captain Phasma | 70%
Resistance Maintenance Worker | Rose Tico | 52%
Rebel/Resistance Admiral | Admiral Ackbar | 48%
Owner of a Castle & Resistance Ally | Maz Kanata | 48%
Rebel/Resistance Hero & Administrator | Lando Calrissian | 43%
Jakku Junk Boss | Unkar Plutt | 43%
Vice Admiral in the Resistance | Vice Admiral Holdo | 43%
Rebel/Resistance Pilot | Wedge Antilles | 43%
Droid owned by Ochi of Bestoon | D-O | 39%
Girl First Order Stormtrooper Defector | Jannah | 35%
Jakku Scavenger & Rey's Rival | Teedo | 30%
Droidsmith & Resistance Ally | Babu Frik | 26%
Smuggler & Traitor to the Resistance | DJ | 26%
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