Hint | Answer | % Correct |
lunch meat, Thanksgiving bird | Turkey | 98%
famished, starved | Hungary | 79%
ceramic, porcelain | China | 72%
U.S. state, O'Keeffe | Georgia | 72%
me/myself, sprinted | Iran | 67%
air, Michael | Jordan | 60%
cold, frosty | Chile | 45%
70s musical, in cooking | Greece | 42%
make more sugary, like honey | Sweden | 42%
singular of parasite, found in hair | Laos | 27%
stringed instrument, has frets | Qatar | 23%
marine mollusks, outer coverings | Seychelles | 23%
male name, Michael Murray | Chad | 17%
sportswear company, university | Colombia | 17%
officer, land surrounded by water | Marshall Islands | 15%
Girl Scouts, coconut cookie | Samoa | 15%
chest feature, breast gland | Nepal | 13%
female name, Pitcher | Mali | 5%
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