There are only 98 answers because Cologne / Düsseldorf and The Ruhr have been filled in already - this just seems to be what is done on other city quizes on this site so I followed suit.
Yes, they were done then that had a knock on affect that made the last answer boxes disappear so I've just settled for this because I'm not good enough at using this yet! Sorry
Yeah, Accra (7.95), Monterrey (7.925), and Dubai (7.9) are sandwiched between Belo Horizonte (4.975) and Melbourne (4.85). Can you put them in the right place? thanks
help me xD I can't figure out which 10th city I miss. These 9 I know: Sao Paulo, Rio, Salvador, Fortaleza, Curitiba, Recife, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia.
Love the quiz! It might be worth accepting Islamabad for Rawalpindi, as they are both contiguous and part of one metro area, but Islamabad is better known as the capital of Pakistan.
I've been trying to use the standard Jetpunk type-ins for stuff and I think the current way is the way it is normally done but someone can let me know if I am wrong.
Nice quiz. Should have got Durban but otherwise I'm quite satisfied (90/98). I think I'm the first after an update, all I got had 100% and the rest 0%. Hope it gets featured soon!
It's pretty obvious that Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, isn't part of China, India or USA. The People's Republi has never controlled Taiwan and Taiwan is lead by the democratically elected government of President Tsai Ing-Wen. And not by the General-Secretary/President/Tyrant Xi Jinping.
People are always commenting like this on population quizzes: I simply don't get it. London apparently has a urban area population of 14.7 million, yet Manchester doesn't creep onto the list with the bar set at 3.23 million. This makes no sense at all. If you look just on Wikipedia, Greater London has a population of 8.8 million, Greater Manchester 2.8 (although why anyone would say that Wigan for example is part of Manchester I do not know). If you include enough semi-connected urban area to get London to have a population of 14.7 million then you would be able to include enough to get Manchester over 4 million for sure. Still, the quiz is an interesting exercise.
The quiz just uses for populations, which seems to be the standard for the website. I definitely agree that it includes too much for some cities though. Like outside of this website Guangzhou is not the most populated city because no one would include Shenzhen in its population.
Great quiz, thanks! I thought I did well getting 78 out of 98, but apparently that still only beats or equals 60.1% of quiz takers and nets me 3 points. I certainly feel I could have gotten many of the ones I missed now that I see the answers.
I believe the city and the province are the same as it's a municipal metropolitan area meaning that the city and province are essentially the same though this is only from a quick Google search so I may be wrong
Haha of course! Unfortunately I didnt get north of Rio when I went to Brasil, but I remember someone showing me a picture from Belo Horizonte of some crosses overlooking the city at sunset and it looked like a very pretty place :)
Billahhh, yes, you're right! I think you speak of a photo of Curral Hill. It is a beautiful place overlooking the entire city, but BH (as it is called here in Brazil), it also has ups and downs. One of the lows is Pampulha Lake, a large lake famous for its architectural ensemble by Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Burle Marx. the place is beautiful, but those who live nearby, smell the sewage that Lagoa da Pampulha has. This occurs mainly when it rains or dusk. In addition, there are stretches where the lagoon is silted, but I love this place just the same! For more information, consult on Wikipedia, because I will not be able to say everything right? Kkkkkkk. Great quiz! Really enjoyed! And welcome to Jetpunk!
Sana'a should definitely be on this list. Nearly every source I checked estimates its population at around 3.9 m. I think you can disregard in this instance, since they are at odds with every other source.
Yeah seems to be what we use for most quizzes on this site but I think it needs to change. It's always such a large area covered by the city that it seems silly. Perhaps I'll make some quizzes using a different population source.
Actually, that wouldn't count as being the urban area of Rotterdam. The urban are that rotterdam is considered TO BE IN is called Randstad and it goes from amsterdam to roterdam, and from den haag (the hague) to utrecht, with a population surpassing 8 million people.
It's sobering seeing most of the cities on this list, considering the quality of living/self-governance, and extrapolating that into further predicted growth
still a good quiz though ^^
Fixed the answers not showing as well!
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte*, Porto Alegre, Brasília, Recife, Fortaleza, Salvador and Curitiba.
But I don't now the 10th. I think is Campinas, with 3.263.091 habitants in 2020, but not accept.
Also, there are four.
You should fill in Johannesburg/ Pretoria
Also forgot Seoul, Barcelona and Madrid