Can you name the six states in 2020 where Biden performed worse than Clinton did in 2016, with regards to the margin by which Biden lost or won the state?
Example: Clinton lost Michigan by 0.23 pts, while Biden won it by 2.78 pts, so Biden did better there by 3.01 pts
Biden did better than Clinton in the remaining 43 states (of course)
One of the fraud claims of the election is that Biden suspiciously underperformed Clinton everywhere except just a few big cities right where he needed it. This, of course, is total nonsense, and I found out on jackson jude that he outperformed her in 43 states.
I quickly memorized the other seven.
-Florida famously moved right, as we saw on election night.
-Some hardcore Trump supporters thought he could win California. He of course lost it handily, but it did shift (slightly) in his favor.
-Utah was because a lot of 2016 McMullin voters chose not to vote third party this time, and mostly went for Trump.
-Nevada was the only state Trump came within 3 points of flipping from 2016.
-Hawaii might be due to Republicans who normally don't vote being sent ballots without request.
I quickly memorized the other seven.
-Florida famously moved right, as we saw on election night.
-Some hardcore Trump supporters thought he could win California. He of course lost it handily, but it did shift (slightly) in his favor.
-Utah was because a lot of 2016 McMullin voters chose not to vote third party this time, and mostly went for Trump.
-Nevada was the only state Trump came within 3 points of flipping from 2016.
-Hawaii might be due to Republicans who normally don't vote being sent ballots without request.
Illinois and Arkansas are pretty random.
So I came prepared for this test.