Hint | Band Name | % Correct |
23 Centimeter Pegs | Nine Inch Nails | 70%
Anger Directed Toward the Appliance | Rage Against the Machine | 70%
Numbering Ravens | Counting Crows | 69%
Shrubbery | Bush | 62%
Verdant 24-Hour-Period | Green Day | 57%
Rotation Physicians | Spin Doctors | 50%
A Flawless Ring | A Perfect Circle | 48%
Directed Airship | Led Zeppelin | 48%
Swine Puke | Pig Vomit | 46%
Sightless Fruit | Blind Melon | 43%
The King's Son and The Uprising | Prince and The Revolution | 32%
Vagina Brouhaha | Pussy Riot | 29%
It's Possible They're Brobdignagian | They Might Be Giants | 28%
Implement | Tool | 26%
Beginning | Genesis | 25%
Animalesque Guys | Beastie Boys | 24%
Enormous Assault | Massive Attack | 23%
The Progeny | The Offspring | 21%
Flamboyant Homosexual Man | Queen | 16%
Absolute Certainty | No Doubt | 12%
The Method For Annihilating Seraphim | How To Destroy Angels | 3%
Well Coordinated | NSYNC | 3%
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